User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 9.3/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:8

    America's Army

  • Rating:9.5

    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

  • Rating:9

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  • Rating:10


  • Rating:10
    Maplestory, a fun and free MMORPG where you can slap each other with fish.

    Maple Story

    Maplestory, a fun and free MMORPG where you can slap each other with fish.

    Maplestory is a free MMORPG originaly made by Wizet, now run by Nexon. I have been playing it since it's beta a few years ago. It has been fun, i've met new people, and more. It is 2D, but still better than most 3D games... Read Full Review

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