Hey People! Just thought i would quickly tell you about some of the things i will be doing in future blogs.
One of these things as iv'e already said i'll be doing with Banjo-Kazooie, is give you updates of how the games coming along and give you certain hints and tips on how to complete the finished game!
However the main reason i'm doing this blog is because i am going to start doing GAMER UPDATES but i'm going to jazz itup a bit and call them GAM3R UPDATES, just because it looks cool and i would'nt want to copy Daves video blog names. I would do video blogs for my GAM3R UPDATES but i don't have a webcam yet so until then they'll have to be written. The GAM3R UPDATES will be in THIS font and THIS colour. In them i will include all the usual stuff such as what iv'e been playing whether i reccomend it and occasionly some info on whats been going on in my life. (Including me getting a Dog 3 weeks ago!)
Well that's about it guys! Keep an eye out for my future blog posts and GAM3R UPDATES! LATER! :)