Hi guys! This is my second Gam3r update so it's probably gonna be about average, but i have got some things to tell you and some advice that could come in handy if your a Anime 'n Manga freak like myself!
I've started my own file on Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, the reason i say started my own file is because it's actully my brothers but i always play on his games aswell as mine. So far it's okay... Iv'e never loved GTA just because they've never appealed to me, but San Andreas is much better than the previous games! Theres loads of things to do! And there's a load of extra content and vehicles you can choose from. But there is 2 games like this which are much better in my opinion: True crime and its sequel True crime New York City. I don't mind the GTA series but in True crime you really can do anything!
Iv'e also started my own file on Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. I'm not really a fan of the MGS series, but even though i'm not too far in the game i think it's really good! There are a load of cool things you have to do to stay unseen etc, but you actully have to think like a soldier! I'm really impressed by how the developers implemented this and hopefully future army games will follow in its footsteps!
Sorry about not going on Mario Kart Wii guys! Theres a load of people i need to add to my friends list on it but for some reason it's just not really attracting me any more, of course i will still go on it but just not as much, although i'll make sure i add all you guys to my friends list when i next go on!
The piece of advice that i wanted to give all the Anime 'n Manga freaks out there is to go onto http://www.anime6.org, it has every single Anime 'n Manga show on it including movies and you can watch them all for free! It's in Japanese but it doen'st matter as it translates into english at the bottom. Iv'e spent most of my time watching every Naruto episode so i can move on to the Manga Shippuden.(Hurricane Chronicles) You can see more about it in the blog below!
The final thing i wanted to tell you guys is about the Firsr Person Shooter competition i was going to enter.....It's all booked up! There's only 40 places so i knew i would have to enter it quickly, but for hells sake how was i supposed to know it would fill up in the first day!? I'm really p***ed about that but well, theres nothing i can do, i'll just keep on doing online compititions on my Wii i guess.....
Well that's about it for my second Gam3r update, but there is one thing i want to leave you with..........I NEED SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL FOR HELLS SAKE!!!