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Gam3r Update 0.3

Hey Guys! This is my 3rd Gam3r Update and not much has happened again this week but i have been getting really exited about all the future releases that i need to buy!

The main out of these of course is SUPER SMASH BROS BRAWL! I'm looking forward to this games release more than iv'e looked forward to anything else i my life! If you've read my previous blog about it being delayed you will know that now i have to wait until the 27/6 (or 6/27 as you would say) to get my gaming hands on the best fighter of the century! Oh, Woe is me.... But anyway now i just have to wait 27 days, and then, well.....TRIFORCE SLASH!!!!!

My second most anticipated date is the 19/6 (or the 6/27 as you would say again) because it's my Birthday and i'm probably going to be getting my very own 360! I can't wait! Even though my brothers got one i really want one for myself so i can personalise it to my own liking and get my own achievements for myself instead of putting them on my annoying brothers 360! Also there is a whole bunch of stuff i want to get for my soon to be 360 when i get it, the first of these is Turok. I know gamespot only gave it a 7/10 but i went round my friends and played a load of it and i would have to give it at least a 9! And if it keeps its charm easily a 9.5! Also another thing i'm highly anticipating for its XBOX release is Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts! Iv'e always been an enormous fan of the Banjo-Kazooie series and they were easily my favoroute game series on the N64! Banjo-Kazooie:Nuts and Bolts looks to improve on the Banjo formula in almost every way, i can't wait for this game and iv'e done an extensive preview on it in a previous blog, it looks WICKED!!!!

The final game of which i'm highly looking forward to getting (i say looking forward because it's already been released) is infact a WiiWare game, Lost Winds! And before you ask no it's not about a missing can of beans!LOL! I don't really know why i'm looking forward to this so much, there's just something about it i like, whether it's the fantastic control scheme, the lush graphics or neither i don't know, i just think it's AMAZING! I know people say that it's quite short but i don't care as it only costs £7.50, and you may not know this but it's the first in a series! Yes, Lost Winds is the first in the series and there will be more Lost Winds games to come! I can't wait!

Well those of the games that i'm looking forward to getting, so now i'm going to focus on what iv'e been playing and of course what i have'nt.

I've recently started to play Super Smash Bros Melee again in an attemp to ease my frustration for SSBB being delayed, and of course......It's not working!

Another game i've been playing is Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution, to be honest i don't even know why i'm still playing it, it's not even a great game, just an average one but for a Hardcore Naruto fan like myself it's just so damn addictive!

The final game which i've been playing, but to tell the truth i have'nt been playing that much is Mario Kart Wii, i would be going on it more but i'm franticly searching for my friend code sheet, iv'e got this piece of paper with everyones MK friendcodes on it but i can't seem to find it! So well, if you have Mario Kart Wii and your reading this could you leave a comment telling me your friend code or PM me it, mines 1461-6353-0235 and i'm normally on anytime in the day so just search for me and i may be online.

Iv'e stopped playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Metal gear Solid 3 just because simply put i got bored of them. I've never really been a fan of GTA games beacause they've never really appealed to me, and all the strip clubs and stuff in the GTA games is just perverted and disgusting. And Metal Gear Solid 3 is a great game but i just got bored of it, too much sneaking not enough Action.

Well that's just about it for my 3rd Gam3r Update but i just want to tell you that the magazine i collect (The Official Nintendo Magazine, ONM for short) gave SSBB 95% out of 100% so it's pretty WOW!!! Also i just want to ask you a favor, could you please join "The All Games, Anime/Manga, Music, And Movies Union", i've just been promoted to officer and it's my task to get people to join it, but please join, we need more members! SEE YA!!!