Have a Girlfriend like 2% or what just wondering cuz i have seen A LOT of "girl help" threads, Is Everyone At gamespot all day posting or do someone here have a life ?(and yes i have A GF)
Me and my GF is going to watch a horror movie so my Q is what is the scariest Horror movie IYO?plz post a IMDB link(sry if my grammar is bad)
Hope You Enjoy http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/4902-Zero-Punctuation-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV
My Best friend who is only 15 years old falled down yesterday 5 stories now he's on the hospital fighting for he's lifeSo Please A Moment Of Silence.....
I'm trying to play AO2 online but it says that i have to be 13 years old but I'm over 13 :? any1 knows whats the problem???
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