If You will like this game, will You get the Metroid Trilogy?
I intend on getting the three-in-one pack/game/thing when it comes out in August.
If You will like this game, will You get the Metroid Trilogy?
I intend on getting the three-in-one pack/game/thing when it comes out in August.
I'm not sure about you guys, but this game has me excited. I've never really played the Prime series (yes, we exist *puts up flameshield*) and I will seriously join in on the Metroid train for this game.
Anyways, what hopes or ideas do you have for the game? I would like to see some more of the physical combat I saw in the trailer. And, who could forget where she slammed a cannon in the enemy's face? Classy lady!
I'm going to go out on a hunch and say that she fights humans in this game. Like the soldier who talks to her. I foresee combat with humans or humanoids!
So, what are your ideas?
(Sorry if this topic is unneccessary/old)
I personally have never really played the Metroid Prime series (I hope to change that statement in August though), but I thoroughly had a **** when I saw the trailer. I want to play this game. The combat, the shooting, the artwork, is everything I've ever wanted in a game. I know I could go to the 360 or the PS3 for that, but I love the House of Mario.
I am honestly excited for this game, and will fight someone for it. I think it could turn into one of my favorite games.
Besides, when I play my brother's 360 I always go for DoA. It may have the best fighting engine I've ever played (IMO). I trust Team Ninja, and seriously, what was the last bad game Nintendo R&D churned out?
I don't mean to jump into a topic out of nowhere...but I think some fans should just shut up and be happy with what they're given. If you honestly think we have it bad, please look at Sega. At least we have a console!
Anyways, I'm going to say Legend of Zelda: Fairy of Flames.
Does anyone here think there's a chance of a Luigi's Mansion 2 being announced at E3? Luigi Mansion holds a very special place in my heart. xD
I hope Nintendo does well this year. We're beginning to slip in innovation and good series. A game or two like Galaxy or Twilight Princess a year is simply not going to cut it anymore for the Wii. Nintendo is beginning to lose (if it hasn't lost it to begin with) its credibility with hardcore gamers. IMO, we need to bring back older franchises, bring some Japanese exclusive series (or are JP exclusive for the most part) to the US, or even renovate some newish series.
So, with these ideas in mind, here's my Ninty wishlist for E3 (we're going to just assume we all hope for a new Mario or Zelda, k?)
So, yeah. That's my wishlist for E3. :D
Hi, I posted this a week ago and got no replies. So here it is again:
What are some good games that would be out in time for the holidays? I was looking for some games to ask for Christmas.
I already have SMG, WarioWare, MK, SSBB, DDR Hottest Party, TP, and that's about it. I was thinking of asking for Wind Waker since that's the only Zelda game I liked (I've only rented LoZ WW).
Also, nothing M. Thanks.
What are some good games that would be out in time for the holidays? I was looking for some games to ask for Christmas.
I already have SMG, WarioWare, MK, SSBB, DDR Hottest Party, TP, and that's about it. I was thinking of asking for Wind Waker since that's the only Zelda game I liked (I've only rented LoZ WW).
Also, nothing M. :( Thanks.
DDR coming out? I know the hand thing messes it up, but whatever. I actually like that part. ^_^ I'm hoping for Butterfly. Or at least Moonlight Shadow.
Please no flaming.
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