I like AC games enough not to give a damn if it feels familiar or not, if they use the same mechanics or not, in the end I care about whether I had fun playing it or not. I didn't enjoy AC3, but had fun with AC4. I will not buy this one yet, for a single reason: Dragon Age Inquisition, but I will get it eventually.
@kbaily I liked the game a lot adn I totally agreed with the rating gamespot gave it. I really enjoyed playing it loved the story, however I just played once and I don't feel inclined to play it again, maybe in a couple of years when there are no new PS3 games.... Maybe.
@Hakkology Me too I'm afraid I don't visit the site as much, I preferred the old site. I even look at the YT channel instead, just for feedbackula and anything Danny does on video. Nothing else
@noirtenshin Yep Campaign lenght is an important factor since I play COD most for the SP, it sounds like a nice campaign but it has to be worth it since I don't like the MP in COD anymore.
@Wax9991 Yeah I don't think it beats BF4 even sounds more like it, both have their strenghs and weaknesses, but I think that this COD might be good enough to give it a try this year. Mostly for SP. I prefer the MP in BF4. Still this is the first COD that has caught my attention since MW2. Is it me or the Visuals do really look dated? It doesn't seem that it has improved over MW2. I don't know how to explain it accurately it is like the colors some of the environments are same as in previous CODS.
Luizao2779's comments