I really need a game to play that will keep me very interested for a while. It has to have amazing graphics, fun, easy to play, and a bunch of download-able content, it also has to be in depth like you could play it for hours at a time!!
OK so I have about $150 dollars and I want to buy ether, NCAA 08 and Forza Motorsports 2, and/or Oblivion?? I definitely think that I should get NCAA 08 for sure and one of the others, but thats why I came to you guys!! So if you could help me thanks a lot but if not well......at least thanks for trying!!
Ok I want to know if F.E.A.R. is worth buying?? I have head good and bad about it but I want to know from the real gamers......you guys! So Tell me is it worth it??
I know personally I am ready for Halo 3 but out of these just for the simple fact it will be a while for GOW 2 but which of these games?? Halo 3, Guitar Hero 2, GOW 2, or GTA IV??
I want to buy a game for the 360 I have, Madden 07, Burnout Revenge, NBA and NCAA 2k7, GOW, GRAW2, Lost Planet, and NCAA 07. What game should I buy next??
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