Alot of people does not know how this is a serious blow For Microsoft. I know you sayin how? Will Ill tell you. when It comes out next year there will be a larger install base for the ps3, same for the 360 but thats not the points the larger the install base the worst for the 360. This Is gonna be a entertaining fiscal year.
Seriously, id love to sit down with reggie, or anyone with nintendo and ask them do they seriously think the wii can last more than two years? yea, yea, yea I know its the new thing right now but do you think it will the same fun when the same garbage keeps comin out? Personally Im happy with my ps3 and 360, whatcha guys think?
dont bother, shipping sucks, its too expensive and it rakes way too long for it too arrive. Just buy it off of amazon or go to the local wally-world, its not that hot of a title....
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