To all of you that are talking about new or modern zombies being faster and smarter and yata yata...... Grow a dman brain. Here they are in no particular order....
Example 1) 28 Days & Weeks Later: Though similar in concept, the Rage infected denziens of these two films are virus infected freaks, but there alive. Whats The number one rule of a zombie? THE LIVING DEAD!!!! Being alive but contaminated doesnt make you a zombie.
Example 2) Resident Evil 4 and 5: I cant begin to tell you how many poeple ive strangled over these two games. Reading game mag reviews and articles about how zombies are evolving, (Gamespot to as in my previous blog), When Resident Evil 4 and 5 DONT HAVE A SINGLE DAMN ZOMBIE IN THEM!!!! Honestly how dumb are you if you can play a whole game without having the brain power to pay attention? Both games main antagonists are poeple infested with Las Plagas parasites at differant stages of experimentation. The villagers are alive, but not able to control there bodies. So once again, alive = not a zombie.
Example 3) Dawn of the Dead Remake: Besides the fact that its a remake, wich pretty much makes anything it changes not matter, The zombies are fast and nimble in the begginning, but get increasingly less coordinated as the movie progresses. Easily explained through science. The zombies are just turned in the beginning, meaning there bodies are strong and intact. Then as time goes bye, months, the bodies decay, making them resemble there true, shuffling, retarded nature.given enough time to naturaly decay they would become the zombies we all know and love.
So in closeing, if you want to reveiw a horror movie or game, pay attention. and always remember the rule number one of zombies, Dead bodies that are stilll active, if the bodies alive its not a zmbie.