@anarayan: It has the button to switch, but that button hasnt been working
LunarEclipz's forum posts
fix the buttons so they do what theyre intended and i''ll be fine, letting me save after changeing the order, letting me change the stack type back cause when you first introduced them i didnt know not to change the type.
Cant find any other thread that seems right for this, Assassins Creed Altair Chronicles for DS doesent show in searches and if i click it in my stack it sends me to Assassins Creed PC.
Also Assassins Creed Bloodlines for PSP and Assassins Creed II Discovery for DS dont appear when i search for them and clicking them in my stack takes me to Assassins Crred 2, i am trying to organize my stacks and those are at the beginning so it's hindering my progress.
Past Gen Games Need To Be ReAdded and Stacks Need To Be Fixed, Stop Ignoring Our Posts Gamespot.
I say ignoring cause the bug report section ont he stacks has no official comments on it, please let us know what is being done and what we can do to get things done. I cant remake my stacks cause it doesent recognize anyg ame from past gens, i click Altair's Chronicles for DS and it sends me to Assassins Creed PC.
@FoxbatAlpha: I preordered PS4 for Assassins Cred 4 ( I have the other AC's on PS3 ), inFAMOUS Second Son, and Battlefield 4 ( Have the Battlefeilds on Playstation ).
GOnna get an Xbox One for Dead Rising 3, Killer Instinct, Call Of Duty Ghost ( All COD games i have on Xbox ), and Halo.
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