This is the foremost reason I will not buy an Xbox One as long as it's inseparable from Kinect. The fact that I have very little interest in Kinect as a control scheme is already enough of a reason for me to not to pay $100 more to have it forced down my throat, but this creepy method of collecting marketing data from our living rooms that seems to be the primary purpose of the device is what makes it an absolute deal-breaker for me. Y'know, back in 2003, I remember seeing a guy purchasing an original Xbox at EB Games, and the salesperson asked him if he wanted to purchase an XBL Gold membership. His response was: "No, I don't think I want Bill Gates having an eye in my living room." I remember smirking to myself a little, thinking he was being just a little paranoid. Ten years later, it's becoming a reality with Xbox One.
Take a break and you'll know soon enough whether you're experiencing temporary gaming burn out, or have simply lost interest. You can always come back to it if it's the former.
I'm taking a very cautious, wait-and-see approach with the Xbox One, so I definitely won't be buying that console before 2014. I would like to buy a PS4 at or around launch, but lack of available funds and a massive backlog are likely to keep me waiting on that as well.
Given the way Episode Two left off, it had damn well better be coming! Even after six years, they can't leave things unresolved like that. Besides which, I just finished Episode Two for the first time earlier this year. :)
It's looking really good; much better than the generic-looking E3 footage. I was a bit disappointed that they announced this at E3 instead of the next evolution in the Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy series, but this new trailer's got me much more excited for this game.
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