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Games to finish eventually list (self-reminder)

Please, remind me to actually pick these games back up, eventually (when I can find them, because most got lost somehow):

  • GBA:
    • Tales of Phantasia
    • Final Fantasy 5
  • PS2:
    • Oni
    • Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits I was REALLY into this game, but suddenly quit for some reason!
    • PoPTTT
    • Rayman 3
    • Champions of Norrath
    • Dark Cloud
    • Odin Sphere
  • DS:
    • Dragon Quest Rocket Slime I'm on last level, but haven't beaten
  • Playstation 1:
    • Final Fantasy 4 - At final boss
    • Final Fantasy 8 - At final boss
    • Chrono Cross - Was playing a ton, but quit for no reason again.

Programming is FUN!!!!

I have a feeling that I would like programming games better if... I knew what the heck I were doing.

I have a feeling that actual game programmers aren't really just winging it while they're making their fancy $50 games. I'm not really sure where exactly I'm supposed to learn how to structure my games, I just have a faint idea of what would be organized.

And while I'm trying to figure out how to structure everything (I'm bad at planning ahead on paper, I overlook so many things) I'm also trying to figure out all these bugs and how things work (btw, if you are having trouble with strings... make sure you put "using namespace std;" in there before main. I always forget, and it fooks me up).

I just need to work on one engine and then use that to make games for a while, grf. And of said engine, so far I have a map loader. I don't know if it'll be efficient... it's just a class with an array for each "tile code" (which graphic the tile will have), and a screen maximum width/height, current w/h, etc. Basic stuff...

On another note... how the heck am I supposed to structure my map files? I could kind of do it like you load veritces in an obj file where you have all the data about a tile on one line, but what I've been doing is have the map saved twice (in one file). The first x tiles are the bottom layer, and second x amount of tiles are the top layer. Messier than doing it the other way, but eaiser to save and load.

Grf. I'm hungry.

Wut Happun? (Can't bring myself to play PC/console games)

Lately, the only time I've been playing PC games has been at LAN Parties. I have been going through Half Life 2 again, because I didn't beat it the first time... got about half way through before my compy died. I have a subscription to City of Heroes, which I played a ton during the trial week, but now that I've actually paid for a month I never play it. My friends haven't been playing it, either. What'd I really like is a billing system similar to what they have in Asia-- per hour. You pay for the amount of hours you play, you don't pay for a month and then maybe you'll play. I just don't play that much, and I don't like wasting my money.

Okay, I'm totally distracted atm, so I can't keep writing. @_@

Maybe I'm just a mean face. :(

Eh, just a little peeve of mine that seems to be happening lots lately.

Anytime I tell someone about a game idea, or in late cases, posted a screenshot of something I'm working on, I get a bunch of suggestions I frankly don't care for.

I was going to make a Noah's Ark game where you play as Noah and massacre people to steal wood from their houses and stuff, and one friend suggested I make Noah a giant.  Why would I want to make him a giant? That wouldn't make the premise of the game anywhere near the same thing, and it wouldn't even make sense...

Today when I was at work a friend called me to tell me his game idea.  Which wasn't bad in itself, but it was kind of weird getting called at 11 when we're both at work.

People suggest I make flash games-- I guess I've only announced to my friends that I loathe using flash for game making, it's so gross and annoying and cluttered and weird.  Animations?  Okay.  Games?  Ew.  I can't even freaking stand playing Flash games online. >_>

Learn this, learn that.  How about I just make what I want?  kthxbye.  You want a game, go play with gamemaker or learn some real coding, but I've never been good at working with other people on projects and I probably never will be, and it just annoys me. :s 

No love for the ps2

For a while there, when I actually had cashmonies, I would invest in multiplayer games.  Namely for my ps2, since I don't have a gamecube or xbox.  I've bought, oh... four ps2 multitaps (they like to crap out, heh) and a ps1 multitap, and spent I-don't-know-how-much on four player ps2 games.

And yet, while I have gotten my friends to play occasionally, my boyfriend usually gives me a "ps2 sucks for multiplayer" and turns on Super Smash Bros. Melee (which I don't really like.  Different story, but while my bf is the only one with a gamecube, I haven't gotten any better and all my friends have gotten a lot better, so I'm the worst atm).

There are some good playstation 2 games out there.  And some that are decent but can bring some fun.

I think Champions of Norrath is currently the best 4p game I own.
There's also Bomberman for ps1, Crash Bash for ps1 (while mediocre, can still be fun since it has several different games with four different gamemodes each).
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal is a great single player game and makes a decent four player game (except for the onslaught clone.  You CANNOT do that with 2 vs 2).

Super Monkey Ball Adventure has some multiplayer games in it, and I particularly like the one where you shoot monkeyballs at other players' forts and try to destroy them before you're destroyed.

Eyetoy: Play!  I have 1 and 2 and we played that a bit, but now I guess the Wii > Eyetoy.

Two-player-wise, Cookie and Cream is a great co-op puzzle game that's not very much like any other game.  Contra: Shattered Soldier was a game a bunch of us played for a while, until we finally beat it a couple times (on easy... 99 continues), We

Game Design 101

First Lesson:
Know your game designers!

I'm really surprised, sometimes.  My boyfriend hadn't heard of any game designers I stalk until he met me, and some of my other programmer friends don't know some of the most essential names!


John Carmack
One of the founders of iD Software.  THE engine programmer.  THE guy who made the first PC side-scroller where the screen actually smoothly scrolled (Commander Keen).  THE guy who made the first 3D games (Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake).  Currently mainly working on his Armadillo Aerospace company, where they experiment and build rockets.

Ron Gilbert
He made the SCUMM engine.  Oh, you know... the scripting language that Maniac Mansion... Monkey Island... Sam & Max... all those LucasArts adventure games.
Gilbert worked on Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island 1 and 2, he even went on to make the company Humongous Entertainment.  Which probably I'm one of the few gamers who've heard of THAT.  He made adventure games for ages 3 to 12 with that company... Putt-putt, Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Spy Fox.  The company was created when I was four, So I played 'em!

Tim Schafer
He also worked on Monkey Island, as well as Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and now leads the company Double Fine and made one of the best platformer adventures ever--Psychonauts!

Roberta Williams
While on the subject of old adventures, ever heard of Sierra?  Yeah, I thought so.  Kings Quest, Phantasmagoria, she even starred on the cover of, uh, Softporn Adventure!  zomg.

Will Wright
Uh... Sim City?  The Sims?  Spore?  Duh...  (he gave a good interview on the Colbert Report.  Go check youtube)

John Romero - Also one of the founders of iD.  Left around Quake 1, I believe.  Also made Dai Katana and worked on the latest Gauntlet, but left Midway before it was done.  Currently working on a top-secret MMO.

Jane Jensen - Can't say I've played more than ten minutes of a Gabriel Knight game, but yeah, she made it.

Al Lowe - Creator of the Leisure Suit Larry series (what?  I've only played the first one, but even I'VE heard of him!)

That's all I can think of right now.

My BF: Giving me blank stares when I mentioned John Carmack

Claus: Not knowing who Tim Schafer was, or any of his games!

Rhys: Not knowing what Spore was, or who Will Wright was! (though recognizing the name "The Sims")


Ah, the 90's. Software everywhere. :DD I was between 2 and 11 during the 90's, and I had a good amount of Edutainment games. I miss edutainment games. :(
Now, for some reason, we don't have like 95% of our old games, and I don't know why *glares at mr. daddy*

But, alas, I'm going to list the ones I miss most:
-Opening Night
This is pretty much a movie-making game, complete with crappy text-to-speech and the actors are real humans. I do miss it, though, because I had so much fun making movies. I don't even remember who made it. But I was able to find a image of it on google :O

I had the PC version of it, though.

Another one I've had sitting around until maybe a year ago was
Hollywood by Theatrix
This one had much better text-to-speech than Opening Night by far, but you were limited to only one scene. >_>;
It even had several singing text-to-speech voices so we'd make musicals about random things.
"Leo, your armpits stink your armpits stink go wash them in the sink the sink the sink"
I also found someone else's image of it on google:

I think it was actually pretty well made. It even had an idea generator for dialogue or events. Theatrix also has "Hollywood-High", which I've never tried.

Storybook Weaver [Deluxe] by Mecc (omg lessthan three?)--
Which I still have and more-or-less know where my copy of it is. :O
I can't really find any full-sized pictures of the game, but it basically has a typey area, and an area where you choose a background and you go through the object library and, say, put people, explosions, and shoes on the screen. It has Text-to-Speech that's as bad as Opening Night (only, Opening Night had more than just one voice :D)
It's kinda fun, but all the other ones I'm listing I liked a lot more.

Spelling Jungle by Sierra -- So obscure there isn't anything under google images [that are even of this game]!

This was a pretty awesome game, I don't know why it's completely faded and now unheard of. x_x;;
This is all I remember of it: There's this old guy who laughs like "Ohohohohoooo!" and gives you hints, and the game itself is very puzzle-y. o_o; You go around collecting letter tiles to spell the word for the stage, but you also have to do things like avoid monsters, push boulders, slide across mud (like ice in most games, you step on it and you can't stop sliding that way). It was a pretty challenging game, from what I remember (of course, I was also like seven years old).
I really wish I still had a copy of this!
I don't know, maybe it's not as good as I remember.

Next one is Lenny's Music Toons:

There were several games, but the main screen was inside Lenny's Manhattan apartment. They had this thing, where you'd kind of create a band, and some tree and cat game with musical notes... And you could make Lenny eat sushi or go to the bathroom. o_O; This has got to be old, though, because this was back when my dad got lots of shareware and I also played Doom and Commander Keen 4 at the same time. @_@; Again... six years old? seven?

The last one, I don't even know what the hell it was. It was a demo-disk, basically, and it had a cheetah on the front page. I loved this demo-disk soo much as a kid. oh man, I can't remember the name of the games I liked playing! There was like... Simon the Sorcerer, and some game where... you put animals on the screen and they make weird noises... but yeah...

I just wanted to make a list so I would remember these in case I need to feel nostalgic about old games again. ^_^;

The Snake Soup

Well apparently the snake soup is back up (and it's .org, not .com). Some random person posted the link in my xanga, and there's no info about him/her at all, but thanks, Untrucker.

And just to make myself sound less stupid, when I posted that original post about The Snake Soup I did google searches for it and found nothing, but now when I do google searches for it it's the first one listed.

But yay, favvy site for my favvy game back up~


I am a college student.  I am a Computer Science.  I have Psychology and History and Internet-esque Programming this semester.  I have a Psychology test this Friday.  I think reading three large chapters about psychology is boring.  I do not want to study.  I want to play Legend of Mana.  I wonder when my package is gonna get here.  I WANT MY TIM-SCHAFER-SIGN'D COPY OF PSYCHONAUTS FOR PC! ;o;

I love Tim Schafer.

And John Carmack.

And Ron Gilbert.

Ravi's a butthole. D: (The Snake Soup... dot com)

I loved The Snake Soup, some guy named Ravi's fansite to MGS.  After MGS3 came out, he decided to close the site (either because the news was no more MGS games or MGS4 for PS3 = no$).

But the site itself was only the single most awesome thing on the face of the internet.  The things I miss most are the articles-- especially on "Why Ultragames Suck".  Ravi and his other article writers were pretty funny, and I'm mad that they closed the site.  Couldn't they have moved it to like... geocities? >_>;

Actually I know a free webhost that doesn't embed ads.  They're popups. >_>;  But 'ey, popup blocker = win.

Still, it has been a while since it closed.  I just... really miss it. *sobs and runs away*
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