If anyone reading this has played Company of Heroes online and likes to play as the Germans, you know one thing, the USA players love Rangers. Love them to the point of spamming them, all the time. I have played 40+ games in the past few months, and in all of the ones I played as the Germans, BANG! Rangers.
You might be wondering why I care, "What's so bad about Rangers?" or if you have not played CoH "What is a Ranger?" Well, A Ranger is an elite heavy infantry that can be summoned to the battlefield for 600 manpower points. They come with TWO free bazookas and for 100 munitions, can be upgraded with Tommy guns. Right off the bat, Rangers are good against tanks (The mainstay of the German forces). And with Tommy guns, they can kill just about any opposing infantry.
I guess my beef really is not with the Rangers themselves, their a good unit and a strong ally. But my anger falls on Relic for the fact that even after all the patches they put out for CoH. THE DAMN RANGERS AND BRIT COMMANDOS ARE STILL OVERPOWERED. And Relic even went so far as to nerf the German Panzerschreck so (for the Stromtroopers, Germany's Rangers) It costs 75 munitions for a weak bazooka.
The Panzer Elite, or to use the name Relic was too sissy to use, the SS can counter Rangers, but only with their Fallschrmjager heavy infantry, but it costs them 75 for the FG-42 assault rifles and 35 every time they fire their Panzerfaust.
Well, I guess I fell a little bit better for venting about the poor balance in CoH. I just really wish that Relic would FIX IT instead of wasting time on crap like Dawn of War: Soulstrom. (But how much I hate DoW Soulstrom is another rant for another time.)