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Lyphe2k Blog

Oh Em God Hello!

So I was reading through my blogs because I'm very, very bored and I was thinking-- wow that's who I used to be? Looking back I sounded more full of life, wit, humor, and optimism than I am now. Anyone else every look back and ask what happened to that kid (yourselves, that is)?

Part of me is still here, just grown. Yeah, I guess that's what happened. I hadn't blogged in 2 years and I look back at how things have changed. Luckily I'm comfy with who I've become. I read part of my blog about how I'm starting college and now I'm ending my 2-year college and moving on to a senior university. My, my how things have changed.

I've learned to pull through while discovering how grim of a world this is with only one hope: that if I stay optomistic and "light", I'll bring some love, peace, and those other cliche things to this world. Sounds corny but I've avoided many cracks within the past 2 years that would've made me into a lot of the people I see on the streets that look miserable.

I know this blog is me focused but I hope those of you that still read my blogs can relate or understand how I'm feeling looking back. Yeah they were simple blogs on a gaming forum but all the emotion I had at that time just came flooding back.

Aaaand for the me in a few months/ years/ centuries if we invent a panacea.... change just enough to grow but don't lose touch of your pure and innocent desires. If this world is so dark then shed some light.

Kay, thanks and bye.

P.S. this world is only a reflection of yourself.

I present to you: The Worst Rorschach Costume

Ok so I was actually going to skip out on a costume this year because I had no cash. But then I got paid a day early so I went ahead and threw together one of the worst costumes I've ever wore.

It's supposed to be Rorschach, from the Watchmen graphic novel. I bought the suit from Gap ($30), gloves and hat from some crappy store, y'know the type that doesn't let you return the stuff you buy; doesn't charge tax; and doesn't give you a reciept ($14). And to top it all of, I bought women's pantyhose and created the rorschach image with my friend's eye liner ($1.19). Not one person recognized me (priceless).

Full Costume

By the way, just look at what the image of the face looks like. My friend's started calling me a smiling clown.

The Face

Songs I can't shake off

For no reason, I'm gonna name down the top songs from some artists that I can't get out of my head, no matter how many times I play them over and over again.

01. Ghettochip Malfunction (Hell Yes)/ E-Pro - Beck

02. One Week - Barenaked Ladies

03. 24/ Missing You - Jem

04. Handlebars/ Stand Up - Flobots

05. Feel Good Inc./ Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head - Gorillaz

06. Deeper Underground/ Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai

07. Billy Jean/ Beat It - Michael Jackson

08. The Hand That Feeds - Nine Inch Nails

09. Cells/ Brains - The Servant

10. The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret/ 3's & 7's/ No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age

Ok, that is all.

Place your bets here!

A storm is upon us. This storm will rain down games, that some have anticipated for up to a year. So I'm gonna conduct a little experiment:

Resistance 2 vs Gears of War 2 (pick one)

Banjo Kazooie: Nut & Bolts vs LittleBigPlanet (pick one)

Will Fable II be the first AAAE (no downloadbles) that the 360's had in a year? (yes or no)

Will Mirror's Edge flop? (yes or no)

Will WiiMusic end up be a hit (two answers, one for economic success and one based on how good the game is)

Will Guitar Hero IV get the GH franchise back to the AAA status it once claimed? (yes or no)

Good luck, and thank you. And to all that participate in this, I will leave you with something: I'm bored as hell right now.

P.S. Oh and any other bets you can come up with is accepted. I'm not keeping in the with the buzz for some games.

This is the title to my latest blog.

Ok so again, for the sake of putting up a blog - I'm putting up a blog.

Um let's see..... I started college. I'm taking English, Psychology, and Computer. Oh and there's this useless student development class too. College expenses are (b word). Books cost a fortune, and classes cost a kingdom. My mom still hasen't gotten her tax papers back so I can't even sign up for financial aid yet.

I'm trying to get a job. I applied to six places: Best Buy, Blockbuster, Toys'R'Us, Popey's, Dunkin' Donuts, and Kholes. One of them better friggin' call; or else I'm climbing a clock tower.

I'm half-way done reading the graphic novel Watchmen. It's AMAZING! You can tell I really think it's amazing because I wrote "amazing" in caps. Seriously though, it's a great book. I plan to buy more graphic novels - such as Madman - because of this book. I read it because avataraang and Haziqonfire loved it aswell, so I thought I'd give it a chance.

Oh and I made a list of games I plan to buy earlier. Well for those of you that think I'm rich or something, think again. It was just a list of games I was tracking really. I don't plan to buy most of them anymore. But I'm still stoked for the games that I do plan to purchase.

That is all. I'd like to leave you all with a funny picture to go out on a good note, but I don't feel like opening up a new tab. Until next time.

I'm gonna have to apologize to my wallet by the end of this year


Here's the game's that are on my "to buy" list. This is just for this year.


Fallout 3 (Oct 28)
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Confrontation (Oct 14)
Little Big Planet (Oct 21)
Bioshock (November 4)
Resistance 2 (Nov 4)
Mirror's Edge (Nov 11)


Sam and Max: Season 1 (Oct 7)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Sep 16)
de Blob (Sep 22)

Strong Bad: Episode 2 (Sept)


Unsolved Crimes (Sept 16)
Castlevania: Order of Eccelsia (Oct 21)
Chrono Trigger (November 11)

Just look at Sep - beginning of Nov. This means that almost every week, I'm going to be buying a new game.

All of these are going to equal close to about $500 or so. I'm actually hoping that some of these bomb now.

Update of.... nothing.

For the sake of putting up a blog, I'm going to update you guys on whatever I'm doing nowadays.

Ok so I have this tutoring job. I work off the books, 3 hours a day and get $550 a month. Very sweet deal. But I have to go to Staten Island, which is a 3 hour bus ride. Luckily, they paid for my unlimited metro card and I guess it gives me something to do. Now I just hope I don't blow my cash on games.

Checklist for things I'm getting in the beginning of next month: Soul Calibur IV, Burnout Paradise, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Devil May Cry 4, and Mortal Kombat Deception.

Things I may get: Wii points card, classic controller, and a new slim PS2.

Oh and speaking of beginning of next month, my birthday is on Aug 1st. I'm really trying to avoid this day because I don't feel important enough to be celebrated. Maybe if I found the cure for cancer then I may consider celebrating the glorious day where I was born but I haven't done much so I don't expect many peopel to care. I may just go see a movie with a few buddies, use it as an excuse to take a day off and go home and eat cake. That would sound like a good day.

I am turning 18 though. I could move out, molest kids, smoke, and go to strip clubs... but I feel like a 18 year old grown boy so I won't be doing those things.

Um... let's see... what else, what else. I hate it when I get hiccups. I also hate how Comedy Central plays The Daily Show and The Colbert Report like 90 jillion times a day. Those shows are not that good so I don't see the point. Space fillers I guess. Oh and I'm also redoing my room. Changing furniture, repainting etc... I'll take pics unless I forgot or don't feel like it.

Uh, that's it. Thanks for reading.

I aint the smartest tool in the sheddd....

Well? I'm done with high school. What a glorious, and somewhat miserable, moment in my life. What makes it even better is that I wasn't supposed to graduate. My counsler didn't think I'd do it, my friends, my mom, my cat and pretty much anyone else I came in contact with. But I proved them wrong and I'm officially a high school graduate.

Now see, here in New York we need 44 credits to graduate. There are 4 terms in my school's year and we get .50 per class we take (we get .29 for gym). We need near 35 credits to be a senior. I had about 27. So I had some catching up to do, to say the least. I had to make 17 credits magically appear. Well, I did. How? well I pretty much took the school system by its throat, and then kicked it there. To top it off, most of my friends aren't graduating. Sucks that I won't be walking with them come graduation day, but oh well.

But seriously, I'm proud of myself and I don't need anyone to tell me I did well. I'm just blogging this to get it out of my system. Now that I have, on text, what I did. I can move on and not re-live this achievment in my life all the way into my 30's.

Now I'm hoping to get into a good school so i could major in psychology. I want to be a psychologist :)

Cheers and thanks for reading. All 3 of you.

Goodbye, John Dewey H.S. Thank lord I'm leaving before you install those metal detectors.

First Impressions: Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed is the type of game where you'll watch its trailer and wonder to yourself "this game looks so awesome, how could I not enjoy this? I'd have fun just jumping on roof tops and walk around enjoying the visually orgasmic environment." Well stay true to that sentiment because that's what may keep Assassin's Creed fun for you.

AC follows the story of Altair, a mild-mannered assassin working for one of the billion underground organizations in the land of... wherever. When you can't find Altair being an under-developed protagonist, you could probably find him jumping off of rooftops, landing in a small haystack, or possibly X years into the future, where it turns out he is just the memory of some guy that was kidnapped by some other guy. As it turns out, some guy has the DNA of an ancient assassin from the seemingly early AC era. Some guy was kidnapped by a scientist, who tries to force some guy to relive his memories as Altair for..... well I don't really know why but let's be serious, does it really matter? All of this was just some ploy to push this heavy boulder of a story uphill. I'd care a lot more about the development of the story and characters if they, themselves actually gave off some semblance of caring what I give a **** about them.

Honestly though, the game just seems to want to push itself along. Its pacing seems way off. It's almost as if the developers were too busy anking-way off to the gorgeous environments that they lost track of their deadline for the game and just decided to rush the story along just to finish it up. It does seem that they took more time on its overall presentation than they did on the game play. Some of it feels really absurd. For example, the game has an amazing stage design and you will have so much fun simply getting from point A to point B, via jumping off of building. But you can't do that because realism kicks in and the Nazi-esque guards will go on a manhunt and track you down for acting disorderly. Such problems virtually defeats the point of this large, and gorgeous environment and puts that "look but don't touch" rule on things.

Oh and I mentioned something about horrible development earlier, but I feel it's enough of a gripe in this game to touch on some more. The game does not give you time to really feel for the character that you're playing as. You are already a willing member, because Altair looks pretty badass, if I do say so myself (and I just did), but his personality is just so dull and he doesn't really do anything that you wouldn't expect. I'm not going to say that what he does is predictable, let's just leave it as - you won't be surprised by his actions. Oh and I forgot to mention that the main objective of the game is to find and assassinate 9 a-holes. All I really didn't have much of a reason to assassinate, besides the game telling me to do so. You don't get to really have time to hate them, because as soon as you see them, they're pretty much dead. Perhaps I'd feel a lot more like killing them had the developers included more cut scenes of them kicky little puppies or calling MGS4 boring.

Overall, this hasn't been the best first impression of a video-game. I've only killed a few of the main targets and I'm trying desperately to watch and understand every part of the story, but it all feels worthless. The entire game feels like it took steps in the wrong direction, one too many times. Its game play can feel like a contradiction at times, sending you off on a long journey to the other side of the world, all while forcing you to follow a 5 miles p/ hour speed limit. I am very optimistic though, and I know right here that I'll give it at least a 8/10 but for a game that looks so amazing, it's leaving more to be desired than I desire.

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