Well? I'm done with high school. What a glorious, and somewhat miserable, moment in my life. What makes it even better is that I wasn't supposed to graduate. My counsler didn't think I'd do it, my friends, my mom, my cat and pretty much anyone else I came in contact with. But I proved them wrong and I'm officially a high school graduate.
Now see, here in New York we need 44 credits to graduate. There are 4 terms in my school's year and we get .50 per class we take (we get .29 for gym). We need near 35 credits to be a senior. I had about 27. So I had some catching up to do, to say the least. I had to make 17 credits magically appear. Well, I did. How? well I pretty much took the school system by its throat, and then kicked it there. To top it off, most of my friends aren't graduating. Sucks that I won't be walking with them come graduation day, but oh well.
But seriously, I'm proud of myself and I don't need anyone to tell me I did well. I'm just blogging this to get it out of my system. Now that I have, on text, what I did. I can move on and not re-live this achievment in my life all the way into my 30's.
Now I'm hoping to get into a good school so i could major in psychology. I want to be a psychologist :)
Cheers and thanks for reading. All 3 of you.
Goodbye, John Dewey H.S. Thank lord I'm leaving before you install those metal detectors.