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A compilation of things

Whats up with all these blogs?!? I can't remember writing so many in a short space of time :P

Anyway, here's some random updates and s***, so enjoy! ;)


New Band!

One of my friends recommended I listen to a few songs from a heavy rock group called Good Charlotte, and now I love them, one of my favourite bands! :D

Here's my favourite song of theirs if you're interested - The River:)



I've become hooked on the TV horror series - SUPERNATURAL. I love the stories, the characters, the blood and the nicely implemented humour. It also stars Jensen Ackles, one of my favourite actors! :D


E3 2010!!

And finally, the games I'm looking forward to see at E3 this year, which is really close now, so I'm getting excited! :D

1. Dead Space 2 - The sequel to my all time favourite game is going to have gameplay displayed, and I seriously can't wait!!

2. SAW 2 -The first was underrated, and I really enjoyed it. It had some flaws, but from the looks of the second they are improving on it greatly. As a huge fan of the SAW movies, I'm really anticipating this one :)

3. FEAR 3 - My thoughts on this so far are edgy, I don't know what to make of it. I enjoyed the first 2 a lot, but since Monolith have left, and Day 1 studios have stepped in, I'm uncertain how it will end up. However, I'm still looking forward to this and just hope it turns out good. Plus horror director John Carpenter is helping out with the scares! :D

4. Fallout New Vegas - Following in Fallout 3's footsteps, it will surely show off similar gameplay, but thats exactly what I want, since VATS was so amazing in Fallout 3!

5. I am Alive - Will something finally be shown of this intriguing survival game? I hope so.

6. Medal of Honor - Looks like a really great FPS game, can't wait to see some footage of it.

7. Killzone 3 - The sequel to the epic Killzone 2 got announced not too long ago, so I'm sure something great will be shown of this.

8. Crysis 2 - My feelings towards this hyped up First Person Shooter are mixed. From what I've seen so far, graphics are nothing special, and gunplay looks weak, but hopefully they won't disappoint me.

9. Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 - I'm not sure if anything will be shown of this, but I hope so, since Arkham Asylum is one of my favourite games this gen! :)


Thanks for reading everyone, and if you were wondering, I can assure you that my next blog will contain the 'surprise' I have in store for everyone :P

- M0wen10 out! :D