M0wen10 / Member

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So... did you miss me?


Yep, I'm back! I thought to myself that a few months wasn't much, but it seems like absolute ages since I wrote my leaving blog, and well, I've been eager to rejoin Gamespot, and so here I am!:)

So how's everyone been? Good I hope. There's so much events that have occured and epic games that have been released since I last posted, and to write it all up here would be like writing a book, so I'm going to take it one step at a time to update everyone on my gaming thoughts and anticipations, and life events etc etc.:P

Anyway, its good to be back, and see you all again, and I have a surprise for everyone in the upcoming week so be sure to read that blog, but otherwise, I welcome every one of you back to my profile, and you'll be sure to see me on your blogs. :)

M0wen10 out! 8)