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A Summer Update and Backlog Reduction

It's been a very long time since my last blog so I thought I'd give an update, especially since I've been doing a lot of gaming lately.

I'll begin with games. I've beaten six games so far this summer: Bioshock 2, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Halo 4, Call of Duty World at War, and GTA IV. This is a much better start to the summer than I've had in previous years. Bioshock 2 was definitely different than the first game but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin was a fun game but the last level was very frustrating. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days was a great game but a few of the missions (the missions where you needed to collect the emblems quickly) were annoying. Halo 4 was a fantastic game. I loved the story and the inclusion of the Forerunners was a great addition. Call of Duty World at War is my least favorite Call of Duty game but I still (for the most part) enjoyed the game. GTA IV was a bit boring in the beginning. The end of the game, though, was fantastic. The missions at the end felt much more thought out and had more variety. They also felt far more like what I expected a GTA game to be.

I still have a ways to go on my backlog. I'm not sure whether I want to give the GTA IV DLC a go. I bought the Complete Edition of GTA IV back when I got it. I also have some XBLA games I could knock out as well.

I've also watched a fair amount of TV shows: Game of Thrones season 2, Walking Dead season 2, and The Hatfields and McCoys. I also went to see the movies Evil Dead and Star Trek: Into Darkness, both of which were fantastic. Star Trek: Into Darkness was the first Star Trek movie I'd ever seen and it definitely got me interested in the series.

I've also been trying to read some classic literature. I just finished Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and I'm thinking I'll begin Homer's Odyssey next.


An Update

Bascially I'm making this blog to say I finished watching the fourth season of Breaking Bad and I freaking love the show. But for the few of you who actually read this, here's what's up.

I've played a bunch of games lately which has been fun. I beat AC3, which I found to be fantastic, and Black Ops 2. Might start Halo 4.

Been watching a lot of Breaking Bad. Since season 5 hasn't hit DVD yet, I'm going to go to The Walking Dead season 2 and then to Game of Thrones season 2.

Straightened some things out in my life. Still not where I'd like to be per say but it's going alright.

You won't see any more of me than you have for quite a while. Firstly, I quite frankly lack the interest. I still love video games just as much as I did before. I just don't have the desire to sit here for hours debating useless stuff that I don't honestly care about. I could be spending that time gaming or hanging with. Secondly, I have things I need to get done.

Thanks for reading.


My Backlog

In no particular order, the games that I haven't beat yet that I want to beat.

Fallout: New Vegas

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Halo 4

Assassin's Creed III

Dark Souls

Call of Duty: World at War ( just need to finish the last level)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Battlefield: Bad Company

Bioshock 2

Ninja Gaiden 2

Grand Theft Auto IV and its expansions

Duke Nukem Forever

Dragon Age: Origins


Dragon Age 2

L.A. Noire

Super Meat Boy


The Walking Dead

Trials HD

It's not as bad of a list as I thought it was.


New Year's Resolutions

I know it's a bit early for New Year's Resolutions but I am bored and thinking about them so what the heck.

My first resolution is to be a better friend to the important people in my life. I can be quite the sarcastic jerk sometimes. I'm sure it's quite irratating at times. I want to be an easier person to talk to, a nicer person overall, and display myself more truly, rather than hide what I'm thinking behind a sarcastic remark.

Resolution number two is to finish up more of my backlog. I tend to not play single player of games because I get pulled into the multiplayer of a game. This year, I'd like to finish Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed III, Dark Souls, GTA IV, and hopefully a Dragon Age game at the very minimum.

My third and final resolution is to be myself and be truer to myself. I'm not a horribly popular person at my current school and my interests (although very normal for GS) lie outside of what most people from my school think are cool. This year I want to be ok with that and not be ashamed of my interests. I would also like to be more upfront about who I am, what I like, and what my thoughts are and to not try to change myself to meet someone else's standards.

Probably a boring read but whatever. I needed to write them out. You might notice that there's nothing on the list about a girlfriend or a job. At this point in my life, there are no girls I'm interested in and my high school career is dreadfully short. I'm still not sure where I want to go to college but it's possible I could be up to 13 hours away from my current location and even with current technology I don't want a long distance relationship. As far as a job, I'll be getting one this summer somewhere andt then be done when I go away to college so no need to include that as a resolution. I'm happy with my body and current fitness so no resolution there either. I would make a resolution to post here more often but I can't really do anything about the frequency of my posts due to homework, sports, and the like.

Thanks for reading. Adios.


Christmas Acquisitions

Borderlands 2

Assassin's Creed 3

Dark Souls

The Social Network collector's edition

seasons 1-4 of Breaking Bad

Prometheus Blu-ray combo

Avengers Blu-ray combo

Iron Man 2 Blu-ray combo

Jimi Hendrix-Electric Ladyland

Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

Kendrick Lamar-good kid, m.A.A.d. city

Kanye West-College Dropout

Beatles-Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

two zip-up hoodies

a blue thermal

three t-shirts from Teefury.com

a vest

a $20 Taco Bell giftcard

a Halo Reach figurine

a Ben Roethlisberger figurine

a Sony iPod dock

I hope you all had good Christmases as well.

Year in Review

I'll no doubt post at least one more blog this year but I thought I'd review my year today.This year was a pretty good year for me.

I saw several movies in theater including The Dark Knight Rises, Avengers, The Amazing Spiderman, and Wreck-It Ralph. It may seem insignificant but I don't normally see movies in theaters so it was pretty significant. My movie of the year was definitely The Dark Knight Rises. Batman is by far my favorite super hero and I had been waiting for the movie for a long time.

I beat 7 video games this year which is a pretty good number for me. Not as many as I'd have liked but still a good number. My backlog hasn't increased, either. Mass Effect 3 is my game of the year. What a way to end the series. I spend 30 hours on it and loved every second of it.

I read all of the Song of Fire and Ice books. Each one suprises me in a different way and I've enjoyed them all. Tyrion remains my favorite character, with Jon Snow as a close second. I also read several biographies on musicians which were all very entertaining.

My new music for this year was mostly just picking up CD early in artists' discographies. I expanded my musical horizons a bit with some new indie bands and got into reggae. I did get some new music, though. My favorite album this year was G.O.O.D Music- Cruel Summer. Kanye West really did a good job on the album. Each song was different and I like almost every one.

TV was a major change in my life. I saw season 1 of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. I also started watching The Office, Parks and Rec, and That 70s show. I rewatched season 1-4 of Big Bang Theory twice and got season 5, which I'm on my third time watching.

I've also changed my posting here. I posted a lot at the beginning of the year but lost my interest a few months ago. I came back, though, thanks to the awesome people in PUSH and the Social Cafe. Freedomfreak, timmy, Aris Shadow, Blabadon, DarkLink77, and lundy86_4 from PUSH, I thank you for reigniting my interest in Gamespot. You are great guys and girls and a real pleasure to talk to. You made video games fun again, due to the ability to talk about them with others.

Thanks to everyone for a great year here. I hope you all had a good year.


What's New with Me

I got bored so I came back here. While I was gone, I did a bunch of stuff. It was great to actually accomplish some things.

Firstly, I finished watching season 1 of Game of Thrones. I've read the books so I know the plot but the series is still gripping. The characters looked almost exactly how I imagined them to look. The costuming was fantastic and the music, especially the title music, rocked. I can't wait until season 2 comes out on Blu-ray.

I also watched The Pacific miniseries. I greatly enjoyed it. The battle sequences were brutal but very realistic and were not gory just to be gory. Although it was great, the story did drag a bit when Robert was at the hospital. It was a great series and Stephen Spielberg directd it extremely well.

Through much perserverance, I managed to reach the last level of Call of Duty World At War. With the constant barrage of grenades and the amount and omniscience of the enemies, it was quite the challenge. I only have to finish the last level of the game but I haven't been able to get past the first checkpoint yet.

I've been playing Grand Theft Auto IV on and off when I take a break from COD and Mass Effect 3. I've gotten more used to driving. The missions have gotten better but can still be boring at times.

As I mentioned above, I've been playing Mass Effect 3 a bunch. It's excellent. I love the game and everything about it. The missions have been very well done, although I wish there was a few less protect this area missions. I've progressed a fair amount in the game.

A few weeks ago, I went with two friends to see Wreck-It Ralph. It was a well done movie and I laughed a lot.

If you want to, tell me what you've been up to in the comments.


Long Time?

It's been a long time since my last blog and I haven't been too active on here in a while. I've lost a lot of interest in posting. I don't feel like discussing video games in SW. RC was fun but it has gotten really slow. I've been spending a lot more time with the people I know in person and that's taken the place of most of the people on here (some of you are still really awesome and the reason I even wrote this blog). I'll still probably come back once in awhile but I doubt if I'll do much posting other than maybe a blog every few months and posting on your blogs. The magic of this place is lost on me. If you would happen to want to chat and I'm not here, shoot me a DM. I'll try to answer those quickly but no guarantees. Thanks for some great times. Hopefullly, the magic will come back and I'll be here more often.

Until next time,


My Life Lately

This past week was a rough week for me. On Tuesday, my girlfriend and I broke up after almost 9 months of dating. It was pretty depressing and I'm still a bit down about it. On Thursday, my football team faced our toughest game of the season. We stuck with them score for score for a quarter but never scored after that and ended up losing big. I sprained my AC joint in my shoulder in the first quarter. It's feeling better right now but I haven't really been doing much with it the past 3 days. Practice tomorrow will really determine how it feels.

On the good side of things, I've found out I have more friends than I thought I did. I've had more time to play XBOX and made a significant amount of progress in Grand Theft Auto IV but the missions have been getting sort of annoying with the lack of overall story progress. I also reached the rank of Colonel in Battlefield 3 and have unlocked all the guns besides those which require coop and Premium. I had a lot of fun with the journey but I'm not sure I'll play it for a while. I've also been watching my Big Bang Theory DVDs over again.

Today I reached Level 24 I Feel Asleep!!

That's pretty much all for this blog. Feel free to comment if you want.


Mad Cardinal

The Dark Knight Rises and What I've Been Doing Lately

Today I saw The Dark Knight Rises with my dad. It was an excellent movie. The story was great and I did not see the ending coming at all. Bane was a great villian and just looked awesome as well;) Batman was spectacular and it was very cool to see him reduced to a cripple and then build himself back to being himself. It was also really cool to see Robin revealed at the end. Catwoman was also a cool character. The action was very intense and the fights were excellent. 10/10. It's the best movie I've seen this year. I'm not sure whether it's better than The Dark Knight yet. They are very close in my mind.

I was gone for about 6 days last week camping with my family. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to be away from the 360, TV, and the dedicated internet for a while. During that time, I finished reading A Feast For Crows. It was a good book but I missed Tyrion, Dany, and Jon. Jaime has become a character I like though. I'm waiting until August for A Dance with Dragons to come out in paperbook. I also got to play my DS a bit and made a lot of progress in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. It's pretty fun but can get dull sometimes when there aren't any story moments for several missions or when the story isn't progressing much.

I've also been playing GTA IV a bunch recently. It's pretty good when the missions focus on shooting but not so great when I'm forced to drive in pursuit of people. The cops can also be annoying, especially when I accidentally bump their car and then have to flee. This is even more annoying because of the fact that the cars don't control particularily well.

I've also been playing a bunch of Battlefield 3 online. I recently completed the Support class and am one gun away from completing the Sniper class which is the last class I need to complete. I'm at level 42 right now. Conquest is my favorite game mode. I'm thinking of getting BF Premium but not sure yet.



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