I know it's a bit early for New Year's Resolutions but I am bored and thinking about them so what the heck.
My first resolution is to be a better friend to the important people in my life. I can be quite the sarcastic jerk sometimes. I'm sure it's quite irratating at times. I want to be an easier person to talk to, a nicer person overall, and display myself more truly, rather than hide what I'm thinking behind a sarcastic remark.
Resolution number two is to finish up more of my backlog. I tend to not play single player of games because I get pulled into the multiplayer of a game. This year, I'd like to finish Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed III, Dark Souls, GTA IV, and hopefully a Dragon Age game at the very minimum.
My third and final resolution is to be myself and be truer to myself. I'm not a horribly popular person at my current school and my interests (although very normal for GS) lie outside of what most people from my school think are cool. This year I want to be ok with that and not be ashamed of my interests. I would also like to be more upfront about who I am, what I like, and what my thoughts are and to not try to change myself to meet someone else's standards.
Probably a boring read but whatever. I needed to write them out. You might notice that there's nothing on the list about a girlfriend or a job. At this point in my life, there are no girls I'm interested in and my high school career is dreadfully short. I'm still not sure where I want to go to college but it's possible I could be up to 13 hours away from my current location and even with current technology I don't want a long distance relationship. As far as a job, I'll be getting one this summer somewhere andt then be done when I go away to college so no need to include that as a resolution. I'm happy with my body and current fitness so no resolution there either. I would make a resolution to post here more often but I can't really do anything about the frequency of my posts due to homework, sports, and the like.
Thanks for reading. Adios.