hey guys,its been afew days and since the last blog i have been involved in playing alot of 360 games and i recently started playing the 3rd round of GTA IV this time again on PS3,ok the thing was that the first time i played GTA IV i used cheat codes and that was the reason i had 0 trophies the second time i played GTA IV was on xbox360 (witout the cheats) and the third time im still playing it on PS3 to get alot of trophies and update online.great games all of them i mostly liked the portal 2 which was excellent playing that game,on my now playing games list i have bulletstrom which is very fun and addictive.plus i have LA noire that i havent touched yet im waiting for a good time to start it.well call of juarez has also been released.im looking forward to playing.well below is my reviews if you have time and energy to start reading any of them please do so,and tell me what you think of the reviews because im dying to know.untill the next blog update see you guys and take care of your selves.:P
Operation Flashpoint: Red River Review:
Mortal Kombat Review:
Portal 2 Review: