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#60 blog,The Confusing Life Of A Gamer!+2 Reviews

Hello guys yeh im so sorry its been along time,and sorry if i couldnt comment on your blogs,but honestly i tried my best to comment as much as i could,anyway sorry about this late blog.here are the reviews.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2:


RDR Undead Nightmare Extention Pack:



official start...

fact is i was busy with life and when ever i had free time i was just tierd to check up on the internet and another thing was that,we changed the Internet connection and now it is much faster than before,im currently enjoying it.

im really confused guys,i dont know if you will laugh at me or not for the things im gonna say on this blog but since we are friends im gonna say whats on my mind.

have you ever had the feeling you are living 2 different lives?yeah sounds stupid,but seriously i think it is happening without us knowing it happens.for example we all know that history is the past and you cant change it,and present here is just present and you have the ability to shape it but the future is impossible to know right?what am i talking about.:)

if you could somehow get out of the timing zones you can shape the future in fact you are the future.so what this means is that future is future,past is past but what the heck is present?

lets get deeper,we are given choices as we live,if for example we talk about 2 different people...[rest on the next blog]