M3ran / Member

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A Game That Had The Biggest Impact On Me Yet...BRAID BRAID BRAID.

deep mental impact on me is very difficult,its more of a challenge for the developers.a few games had that effect on me.but the latest one that had the biggest impact on my mind was a game called Braid.

you might laugh at me for that choice,but i really dont care.the impact of that game is as big as an Unlimited Dream as big as a simple mind trying to be opposite,as great as the first touch of a video game,as amazing as an elusive dream.OK enough converting feelings in to text..:P

i know for a fact that most people played that game didnt bother to beat it and finish it,but the end is just the beginning.Do you understand What im Saying?

it plays so well with you mind,like the start of an ending,beautiful like non else in video game.

i cant imagine the mind of the creators and the developers.

since im so in the mood for Braid,i will be posting a real detailed analyse on this very game.it will show you what im talking about there.

there will be alot of things that i will talk about in the coming blog or blogs i have to see.one thing for sure me and the creators share the same view i think.i think after i finished and posted my analysis on BRAID even the creator would be confused....