M3ran / Member

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a simple update,few review links from me&how is everyone?

how are you people doing?everything good?

well i just wanted to say hi and thank you guys for reading my blog,the last blog was pretty good i think,nd most people read it:lol:at last haaa haa

i have been focused more or less on writing reviews of the current games that i play and also have been doing reviews of the old games that i have played such as modern warfare 2.

there are 3 reviews that i have done here and i want you guys to see it.and hopefuly if you liked it give a thumbs up to it.

well im gonna keep this one short ,thnx again and enjoy and have fun.:D

modern warfare 2 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/modernwarfare2/player_review.html?id=736706&tag=contributions%3Breview1

tekken6 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/tekken6/player_review.html?id=736009&tag=contributions%3Breview4

mafia 2 review:http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/mafia2/player_review.html?id=736381&tag=contributions%3Breview1