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Afew Pictures I Took In Gran Turismo 5 **blog update**

I just wanted to mention here that you can use all of these pictures as wallpapers on the PS3 or on your computer so if you want to do that check out my images and get the actual size pictures which is much bigger than these.

a track known for the rally in tuscana,and the car is a suzuki made for rally.

a picture i took as you can see it is not a good one,it was the first picture i took and you can clearly see it isnt very proffesional.

bought my first car in the GT mode,and i spend all the money i had toa honda civic R type and these kinds of pictures that arent in the racing tracks are being taken by a mode called travel photo.basically your car is posing and you are the camera man :D

red bull hangar travel photo mode picture again its my Rtype.

Rome with My Rtype honda civic.

Still hanging around rome with my baby,My baby seems to be enjoying Rome:D:D:D

might make more if i had time,hope you guys liked it.see you around