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Alan Wake theories on the whole thing and ending, must read **contains spoilers*

the memories and the small flash backs still owns most of my brain.
i wanted to solve the puzzles and find out the truth,yet i knew that the truth does not exist,

so i wanted to create the truth and maybe add lies to it inorder to make my self believe what i know, exists.
alan wake is dead,he was never alive,thats if you call living being alive,
the only thing that is living is your mind.
alan wake was a symbol of conscious,rather human conscious.
the whole time you where playing the game alan wake was sitting and typing.
and the character that you where playing as ,was only a reflection of Wake,

the cabin that we saw alan and alice go to at the first of the game was the symbol of human mind that is surrounded by a lake that can join an ocean.
this place that alan wake is in or i should say bright falls,is truly human's brain mixed with thoughts that can be a madness or the reallity that we call real.it is streached with creativity,and placed itself on somewhere that only mind can truly understand.
alan wake is a writer,writers create.they have a magical creativity, that can reach Consciousness.
we all saw that alan went there only for vacation and to start working on another book,in the beggining of the game alan and alice used a boat,and the lake to come to bright falls.
alan wake conscious itself, the place in between humans mind and the brain.
i gotta say every one can create their own ending to this game,it depends on the state of your reality.
"it isnt just a dark lake there is a darker ocean beyond ".
we can even go as far as to say that alice is a symbol of love,she is not a living person,

the real questions that is left here is:
is alan wake dead or alive?was it all just imagination?
how come that girl at the very ending of the game could hear alan wake using that type writer?how could alanwake feel alice's present nearby?
the wall infront of alan wake and the very ending has two windows just like humans that have two eyes and there is a glowing owl on the top of the wall,alan is typing...he is typing and looking
manuscripts what are they?
in my opinion they where the reason alan wake was wondering in his countryside(bright falls) looking for them, he had them in his mind all the time,why where they pages after pages?
could it be because alan had lost them for a long time,Lost his reality for a long time?
there was just one reason for him to wonder in that countryside city to only find his long lost reality,
find him self,find love,and find the light and the dark.
reality-ALAN(himself)-ALICE(love)-light&dark are one reason altogether,that forces Alan Wake to look for his own Long lost manuscripts that he finds page after page in the countryside(place to go for vacation or basically to find peace).

in one of the last levels we played as alan without the scratches on his eye brow,the one cutsene before the ending.
afterwards we see words that have ben written in open space and when you use the flashlight on them you will find that the word is just like the shadowy monsters and after you use your light on the words the will turn in to what the word says.first of all the words are written in perfect font just like the font that we see in most books,what does that tell you?
second there is the word bird there too,and when you turn your flashlight light on them they turn to crows!
crow is a symbol of darkness.
Alan Wake died the momment he jumped in to the lake to save alice,it was what the darkside created for him inorder to bring him to the other side,
that was the reason why he couldnt find alice,in the end alice survived,alice lived and she is back to the brightfalls.but she was underwater for exactly 11 days,or rather 12 days,in the ending cutscene alan starts to write with thetype writer in exactly 12 oclock,and then we go back in time,and we see 11 mornings,
alice was under water 12 days?how can she survive?The Other Side Exists...

all things above are from my experience.hope u enjoyed what i had to say...