hey guys so just though i give you a quick update on what im up to.
i have 3 titles waiting to be played beaten till the end they are,tintin,gears of war 3 and CODMW3,i just found out that saints row the third got 8.5 from gamespot that is a huge success i guess.no?
saints row 3 and AC revelations are on my wanting list so i have to get them.
i also think sonic generations might be a cool game to get!
any one actually played sonic generation can you please tell me how it is?is it worth buying or not?
i got 4 games on my review list which needs to be reviewed ASAP.
thats about it on my gaming update for now...
anything new guys?please tell me how you guys are and hows you gaming life going?
oh and by the way that tin tin game is kind of fun.both single player and co-op can be very fun to play.
ah yes and im on lvl 19,progresssing very much over time haha.:P thats it guys hope to talk to you guys soon.c u all and take good care of your selves in this cold seasons,try not to get cold and dont for get the Vitamin C in winter keep you mostly away from catching a cold and is a vital thing.