M3ran / Member

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**blog update**latest things covering my mind.

how are you guys doing?

i wanted to talk about afew things.

ok so my ps3 died afew months ago ,fixed yesterday it did cost less 100 USD they changed the lense and it happened to be one of those double lense thingies.(i didnt know that)apparently they are more expensive than the single lense ones,ohh well I had to fix my PS3 it was here dead for more than 3 months.yeah and it living right,

second thing is that yesterday as i started my 360 it gave me one of these

i was really shocked to see that,i never had any problems with my 360 untill then,so i restarted the console and nope it was still this 3 red lights of death or what ever you call it,

so then i looked for it on wikipedia and afterwards i plugged the ac adaptor to another plug and it was OK again,


so with the 360 fixed i played the POP the forgotten sands which is a really amazing game,i really like it,

maybe it is because i have played all of it since the first one,maybe!:P


i got the nintendo DS lite too,YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH:lol:

this handheld console is amazing,and the game libarary is awsome how many games did you say you can buy for this handheld device?OHH YEAAAH.

Yes i got the silver one,it is awsome...


ok as i mentioned above iam playing POPTFS and also split/second

i remember people saying SP is hard,its just not that hard to me,maybe i have to play till the last episode and then talk about it :)

i will be writing reviews on these two games and also maybe a review on the DS Lite too,that would be good.

hopefully i will be getting heavyrain...

i have heard great things about heavyrain,what a game,looking forward to that.

how many endings did they say you can have on heavy rain?yeeees.

it is gonna be heavy...

take care all who follow my blog...:|:P:lol: