this is se tar,one of the most original Iranian(pesian) music intrument,look at the beauty... it puts you under an spell.i mean look at it.clearly one of the most downto earth music instruments of all time.
isnt it a beauty?
it works just like a guitar and play exactly the same...
what i found out about it beauty is that it just cannot play some do you see what i mean?
its a piece of art for sure.
how ever this other one is called a "San toor" it is a trapezium.:P
isnt it great? its makes the best notes a string musical instrument can make.
if you listen to it,it will push you to another dimention.
so the one who wants to play it has to get hold of the two stick things one in each hand and they start playing,i believe the notes work in another rythm known as "mezrab" means something like a pulse.
that was just 2 of our iranian heritage,imagine me telling you about all of the iranian music instruments,you will not be able to handle it will you? :P hahaha