M3ran / Member

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Games to look out for in this month.(july)

i think this month(july) offers two new games worth looking into,first one is another call of juarez game which seem to be taking place in this era not a history one like the last one.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Platform: Xbox
Release Date: 7/19/2011

im not sure if this game is 360 exclusive or not but im really looking forward to it.ihope it is good one.

second game im really looking forward is a game called "catherine" it seems to be more of ahorror game game but im still confused what it is going to offer.

Platform: Xbox 360
Release Date: 7/26/2011

both these games are to be released in july which is this month,so yay im looking forward.


ihope these two games bring out the best they are seeking,and i hope everyone plays these and enjoy.

see you all in the next blog friends.