M3ran / Member

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Gaming LIFE Update,The left out notes of a GAMER 8/10/10 - 1AM

ohhhhh hello my dear gamers,hows is it all going?i hope every thing in life is going good and you are happy,well its been a long time since i have posted one of these so i thought why not.i have been playing alot of games recently,well most of them bought,and any free time that i have i play them.i even played GTA IV again,but this time on 360 and beat the game again,it looks like i have also violated alot of laws that belong to gamespot,and i didnt know they existed:D,atleast i know what not to do on the future.:Pas i mentioned above i have mostly been playing the GTAIV for 360 and this time playing it,everything makes more sence,i didnt really knew that you could change the outcome of the game and even get different endings.intresting Rstar didnt give anychoice for the RDR,i dont know if i am right or not but i think al together there are only two ways to beat GTAIV.well listen to this i got castlevania lord of shadows tonight and since i have still got alot of games inline to be played,i tested it,and i was shocked to see what it had to offer,i mean it just amused me and im still amused while typing this blog,as i said i only tested it and just played a little in to the game maybe 5 mins or less,but from that experience i found out that,first it is a mixture of god of war,assasins creed,and even prince of persia,well maybe not prince of persia,but it looked soo gooooooood,is it true that it has been rendered at 1080p?well it sured is undrestandable if it is,it was really sharp and crisp,and yes it is 2 discs for 360 i dont know if it is the same for ps4,you know since ps3 has blu-ray.this castle vania game is assosiated by kojima production