M3ran / Member

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Halo Reach Done...review coming soon.

hello guys,as i have already mentioned and you guys just found out that i have beat halo reach,but there is something to say about it.first of all i played it on legendary mode,and MY GOD its hard.

you know what?i played it and why kill aliens when you can run:D.

i had no other options sometimes and it is just not easy to kill those elit,my legendary enemies had ninja moves and moved so fast and you had to use nearly 100 bullets to just break the shell,:(

i have a confession to make here,i played all the levels in legendary but since i couldnt beat the last one in legendarymi played the last mission in easy:D:D:D.

ohh yeah and did you guys beat it too?there is another mission to play to get the real ending.it is called LONE WOLF.

any way the game was great i hade alot of fun playing it,but that legendary mode was HELL.after i played it as easy i was like,im a fool and stupid person i should have played it as easy and then maybe if i was intrested more ,play it as legendary.what ever.

i have to say that halos ending are always pointless.dont you think.?it wants to creat a patriotic feeling along side it.

never the less,i enjoyed this game.i only got 59435 cR at the end.

will i be buying the next halo,100%:P

well thats it for now,thnx for reading and commenting.my next game spider man shattered dimentions with GTA4 both on xbox.

take kare and if you wanna comment tell me what you think of halo if you have played it or not.

cya around kids.