hey friends you know these days i have been playing with that meat boy,yeah i know.. one annoying game that is,
the base and the point of the game is easy,but the playing and playing and playing is the fraustrating bit for some and rather beautifull point of the game for others.on one hand you get to die and learn more on the issue of dieing and atleast fix your playing style on the other hand,if you dont comeup with the strategy you are gonna be playing 1 level for the rest of your life....8):P
im hoping you understand what im talking about by now,yeah its that gme called super meat boy which has been played recently by alot of people,i have actually found something new in that game which will make you guys go crazy well atleast those who play the game know the plot.ok did you know :if you finish a level and get a A+ on that level after you got to the level choosing screen if you press shift on the keyboard the whole level design turns hell and it will allow you to play the A+ levels on much much harder diffuclty,i bet you didnt know that.
the game is seriously amazing,its not easy atall,byt rather hard that makes the game addictive.if you wanna know im at the Salt factory playing the last level,you know the boss level,im not worried about this salt factory nore the next one,im actually worried about the other two level that have "???" simbols on them,im worried they might take gaming to the next level,why?since the easy levels are extreme,and the medium levels are ultra extreme,im thinking very hard levels will not be playable,thats why im soo worried,i have played a game on DS known AS "n+" that had the same concept as meat boy,but all i can say is that at some point the human brain think its being messed around and its doing a pointless job and has stuck in a loop hole of regeneration,and at that point you have all the reason not to continiue playing,that is why im concerened.i hope all goes well,and i hope we wont be having the problems that i hve mentioned and eveything goes well.although i can see that it will happen and most people will stop playing the higher levels.
so do you guys play that game,have you liked it?do you think it is worth playing the higher levels of the game,and ofcourse im talking about super meat boy.
tell me what you think i total.i wanna know:Pthanks for reading the blog,
All Love Super meat bo,,i mean M3ran :D