hi guys hows it going?ihope you are all fine and enjoying the summer.
recently i have been playing abit of the L.A Noire on 360 and also COJ:the cartel,
L.A noire is fantastic,you get to go around solving puzzles its so cool,i love it,simply one of the best games of this year,also the call of juarez which i do like but not as much as i should,i didnt think it was gonna be like that,i was hoping for something else like the last COJ game,this one is somewhat a little boring for me but still it is fun to go around and shoot :P.
im looking for ward to the game for this month such as "Bodycount" and games like tropico 4,im also gonna start my reviews on games such as bulletstorm,CODMW.
im not gonna right more stuff although im busy with more things im just gonna leave some pictures i did.hopw you enjoy.