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Intresting Things About Scorpions.

the scorpion does not lay eggs but rather gives birth to them babies.

the female scorpion's back miraculously opens up and the babies come out alive.it altogether takes 3 days for the babies to comeout,which happens very slowly,and after its all done the back of the scorpion which opens up then goes back to normal self.

Scorpions have been wielding toxic weapons for nearly 400 million years. Its segmented tail is the scorpion's ultimate weapon. A pair of glands inside the tail pumps venom through the telson, or stinger, when the scorpion strikes. Scorpion venom can include several different types of neurotoxins, which shut down the victim's nervous system. Some scorpions are designed to cripple a single type of prey. Scorpions actually rely on their claws to capture most prey, resorting to their stinger only if the animal is too strong to overpower. They have unique, feathery organs on their sternum called pectines, which are covered in chemosensors. These are in constant contact with the ground, helping the insect locate prey by sensing chemical trails.

the studies show that if the scorpion is at peace when giving birth she does not harm its babies, but if she is stressed or more or less knows that it can be detected by others while giving birth it just eats some of its babies.

most of the scorpions are solitary and alone,and when the hungary babies dont find any food to eat they start to eat one another.the mostly feed from bugs they can find.

just to change the moods about the ways scorpions live and so on,heres a pic enjoy guys,and thnx for reading the blog.take care and have fun.