M3ran / Member

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Latest things in my minds...

how are you people,

as you know spain and netherland went on to the finals.

germany lost from spain and uruguay lost from netherland.(the netherlend vs uruguay was awsome he he he):)

so what are you people doing?anything good happening.?

im currently playing alan wake,

Now that is game that first injects a dose of mystery into your brain:shock: then after you are addicted to it,:| it will go on and on for god knows how many hours.

the game is really fun to play so many things to findout and all those papers with text on them.and tells a side story,what a game,there is still a little bit left of the game,that i will be playing.:P

here is the NTSC cover

the soundtracks that end each episode are good too,you guys know what im talking about?:D


have you guys ever wondered how mario evolved?here's how along side his long time friends.

i always wanted to know what this costume was ,what animal basically,

what is that a racoon?bear?any one?:|

do you guys remember he used to turn mario into statue,and then the enemies just walk past him,those days were fun.

YEP just found out it is called TANOOKI,

"is the Japanese word forraccoon dog(Nyctereutes procyonoides). They have been part ofJapanese folkloresince ancient times. The legendary tanuki is reputed to be mischievous and jolly, a master of disguise andshapeshifting, but somewhat gullible and absent-minded."

the other game im looking forward to playing is split/second,i think it is going to be really good.

what are you guys playing right now?just interested.!

Oh yea besure to watch the FINALS for worldcup 2010 it is gonna be heavy.

take care all,

thnx for reading:D