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Lesson #2:see the things They dont what you to see.

This Is Your Last Chance...
After This There Is No Going Back...
You Take The Blue Pill,The story ends you wake up in your room and believe what ever you want to believe.
You take the red pill...you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit holw goes.

can you see the eye?

thats the pyramic which is made up of little parts in order to grow.

flower?nope you are wrong,if you look closer at the three parts they are actually one part in a shape on an eye.(just look at how they are trying to hide the eye)

can you tell me where the birthplace of zionism and dajjals first empire was britain.

so you are telling me that this is all just a coincidence???

ok metal gear solid is a huge game,i like it very much.amazing stories and characters and so on.

but it is worth mentioning here.

forget the right picture,the left one is solid snake with a device called snake eye.

his father also.look at the eye patch.

both blind in the LEFT eye,not a signal yet.

kind of blind in the right eye(thats a signal)

ohh lets not forget the sentence drebin kept repeating."EYE own YOU".done


we can keep on saying alot of things about alot of companies.

heh its every where.

masons logo...

what is that to you?

any similararity to the masons logo?

see how cleverly they have hide the middle with stripes(we saw stripes before with the addidas)this time to hide the masonary logo.

look at the middle.

the logo has an arc and look at the z they can creat something.

look at the H it looks like the masons.

AND it goes on for ever.

*Note:im not saying all these companies are evil!infact i am saying that look how deep they have gone through the structures of our world.

If We Cant Change Our World Who Can?...

To Be Continued Inshallah...