hi guys summer has begun,:|,
erm i mean for me basicaly...
yeah today i had my last exam at the uni and it has officially started:D.thank god for that.
so you guys will definatley hear more from me,:P
ok the first thing i wanted to put on was this game from the old school sega genesis,some of you guys might know this cuz it was and still is popular
M.U.S.H.A is the name:
this game is really awsome if you havent heard of it before be sure to check it out i dont know,but it should be one of those games that you can download from XBL or whatever...
we all love a little bit of the spaceshipshooter type no?i love them so much,but they can get pretty annoying for some people.
igotta say this game can get pretty hard at somepoints,but is well worth playing.
here are some of the screenshots,
thats the title screen
there is this mission that you do and it is really cool,at the near end of the mission before the final boss of that mission the tiles drop down and below there is a river of lava:D
there it is..
this is the picture of the coolest boss that you will fight.
i think the reason for this boss to be the coolest is that you fight him first time and after you defeat him he he leaves then he comes back again at some other time,but listen to this.when you try to beat him the second time his mask gets torn apart and you will be able to see his real face that is skeleton like creature,Pretty Cool hey?8)
fact:did you know the media that it was using was known as "4 Meg cartridge".
did you know that these kinds of games go under what genre?
they are know asscrolling shooter
(i have heard spaceship shooter).
i bet you all want one of those ahh?
i mean seriously guys is this stuff really good or are they just a waste of time?
:|whould you such a thing?comon are these guys trying to keep NES alive,?lol,what can i say?
i remeber when i had NES and on the box there was a picture of other controlers that you could have bought back then,one of then was wireless.
beautuful isnt it?
NO!he is NOT on crack.:lol:
without a doubt i love to have one of these below:
ithink this one and that guitar sega are cool dont you think?
anyway thnx for reading the blog hope you enjoyed it.
have fun ,take care...