hi guys how are you?i hope you are doing all very well @ what ever you are doing,and i wish you all great success at ,all times.
here are two reviews that i did one for deadspace 2 and the other for Marvel vs Capcom3,
both games were fun and enjoyable,i got a fightnight champion review also coming up.
i wanna thank you guys for always commenting on the blog,sorry if i dont comment as much as you do,its just im so busy and sometimes the site just doesnt work where i am.i will still try and keep up with your blogs,sorry if i dont comment,i try and read it if i have free time and the site works.
ok here are the reviews i said.i would be glad to read your feed backs and if you have played it any of the 2 games i mentioned tell me how you see the game and what would you add or reduce from any of the reviews,thanks so much
DeadSpace 2:
Marvel VS Capcom 3: