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My first strategy game ever,Tom Clancy's Endwar Review*****blog UPDATES*****

i dont really like strategy games and i dont play them.
i somehow got this game and to be honest i didnt really know that it was a strategy game.LOL
i finished it today and saw the credit and i was playing as russia in normal mode.
the game is a strategy game like others and needs a great leader to control and tell the forces to
move where and to attack what and which hostile.
first off the graphic looks amazing you can move the camera from each forces to other ones but
you dont have a special camera that you can see,and move freely.there is one feature that allow
you to see everything as they are happening by pressing the select button.
you will see the battle in some kind of virtual battle field and you can see what is where and so
on.this feature helps a lot during the game.
the graphics are amazing the sun light and the modeling of the whole battlefield and when you
move on you will see paris at war,very amazing graphics,i liked it.

you can upgrade your military forces by the points you get after each battle,victory will give you
more points and losing doesnt give as much,you can also win medals for special things you do in
each battle.
there are a lot of achievements for you to get.well you might not know but the game happens to
be world war 3,that USA, EU,and russia are involved which seemed a bit our of hand,come on
in 3rd world war atleast Middle East countries are involved in some way,but tom clancy's end war
doesnt think like that.

the thing that you always have to remember is to increase the number of your uplinks and secure
most of them in the battlefield,if you lose an uplink then you have to attack back and secure it
you are able to upgrade you abilities after you secured an uplink.the abilities are for
example,airstrike,a place to land you reinforcement and so on.
you will get paid after each battle and you can spend your money on the upgrades as i mentioned
above.if you are in the middle of a battle you will get the feeling that the war is actually happening
and you are in charge.great feature here, basically you are the commander and you are
responsible in every way.

(you can clearly see that the PC version is much different you have a map on the left and also you have the upgrades on the right and all the forces in the buttom middle,way different)

the unique feature that this startegy game gives you is you can voice command every thing in the
game,from the movements of the troops and attacking comands to attack a specific hostile to
airstrike and using the WMDs.

at first you have to do a voice tutorial that teaches how to use it and also there are something like
20 lines of command that you have to read ,and complete the tutorial. from there you can do the
commands with your voice and this seems to be really amazing you should try it,nicely done
the voice command should be like this *WHO*+*WHAT*+*WHERE*.
for example "Unit 1 attack hostile 2" or "unit 1 secure ALPHA" or "unit one move to ALPHA".
pretty interesting feature here, i did use this in most of the battles but after a while i got bored of
just talking in a room,it did seem a bit dumb and tiring as well,so i played the rest of the game
without voice command and using the joypad.
i do have a question here for those who have the game on PS3,you see a voice commanding
device came with my xbox360. i used that it was fine,so do PS3 owners need to buy something
like this in order to play with voice?does PS3 even have such a thing?i dont know TBH.
so the game didnt have an easy difficulty setting.all it had was normal hard and expert i think.
each battle if you get use to it will not take more than 15 mins or even less but if you dont know
what you are doing will take more time.
you dont choose your side at first,later in the game it will give you the choice to choose your
side.thats it i think nothing else to say in this review.oh some battles are very difficult IMO,for
example the "seige of paris".i tried it twice i think,could not win.
i thought you had to win all in order to beat the game but i was wrong for sure.

the other landscapes that it will allow you to play on are- paris-a lot of battle fields-something like
and oil field- mountains somewhere,and a lot more that i cant remember.
altogether i dont play strategy games and this one was my first.and i did enjoy it at some points.
i would suggest this to the Strategy freaks out there,the graphics help the gameplay and also it is a
nice experiment for those who always play first person and RPGs.
so go buy it guy and enjoy the long strategy hours.