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My recent gaming life update

a very warm hello to you guys who have always been reading my so called blogs,and have always contributed to the blogs and commented here.

so recently i have been playing alot of games and i have to say im enjoying it all abit a too much :P.

in the ps3 lane i have been busy playing killzone 3 online,although i have played a bit of the campaign but you can say i dont have a clue about the story yet.

my connection is rather very slow but i can stream about 40 kb/s in the night time and about 250 kb/s in the daytime.the thing is that even though it gets to 40 kb/s connection at nights i can play killzone 3 online perfectly,im still confused...

is it even possible to play a game like killzone 3 with the slow connection i have?if anyone know anything on that please let me know and thnx.anyway i need to play killzone 3 more and im improving alot so its all good.another game im playing recently is the uncharted 2.i have already beat the game once and it took 11 or so hours to do it.this time im trying to reach the trophies such as the gold ones,in which you have to beat the game on the more difficult modes such as hard and crushing.im currently planning on getting the golden trophy for the hard setting and if i can beat the game in very quick time im considering playing it again on the crushing mode,which should be very seious :D.

i have also played 3 or 4 games on the xbox and have beaten them all,those games need reviewing i think which for now have been set a side.also on the 360 im playing LA noire just having fun,im not desprate to finish that game anytime soon,so im playing it slowly which is more fun for the Rstar games i believe.i did also beat two arcade games on 360 which was LIMBO and splosion man-both very amazing arcade games but limbo had some great puzzle to solve which was good.

anyone heard of machinarium?im also trying to get through that game which is puzzle based and is on PC.

however on the DS section if gaming life im finding it all a bit too difficult to beat some games such as "proffesor layton the curious village" and the "super scribblenaut".two very astonishing games in that handheld.well thats about it.

i was gonna get one android based phone aswell because my last phone is a Nokia N95 which is very old these days and its kind of hard to work with since it is still uses button to control it.anyone have a good suggestion on android phones?

i personally found samsung galaxy s2 a perfect android phone but it is was too expensive for me.i also went on to consider buying a tablet to use such as the galaxy tab.any one have any suggestions on that?see you later friends