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My Way Of Telling...Story Behind X.

yet again there is something strange in the media and the system which i personally can not trust.

why is there so many Xs around?there is just so much,if you look closely.i have an idea on what this could mean but take a look for yourself.

hey hey our friendly Xbox...


wikipedia says:

"Xmas" is a common abbreviation of the word "Christmas". It is sometimes pronounced /'?ksm?s/, but it, and variants such as "Xtemass", originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation /'kr?sm?s/. The "-mas" part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for "Mass",[1] while the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word ???st??, translated as "Christ".[2]

There is a common misconception that the word Xmas is a secular attempt to remove the religious tradition from Christmas[3] by taking the "Christ" out of "Christmas".

i didnt say anything from the above but wikipedia said that about the X in Xmass.


The X-men...

Xavier recruited Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, and Marvel Girl, calling them "X-Men" because they possess special powers due to their possession of the "X-gene," wikipedia source

interesting there is such a thing created known as an X-gene.why do i somehow drawn towards RESIDENT EVIL code veronica X when they are talking about genes and X,could al these be linked to each other?are they trying to change the atmosphere with these stuff?wasnt Resident evil the first video game to create zombies and bring the idea into life?

i believe Code Veronica Was a major change for the resident evil series...

simply because of the resident evil 4 and 5.

idont want to get into the details on redient evil 4 but to see the village all be zombies ,and under the control of a religion like philosophy ,and ideology scares me a bit.because the metality is just wrong,and why in te world would they get the president's daughter?funny isnt it,now you understand how political resident evil 4 was!im not gonna talk about resident evil 5 but maybe on the next blog i can explain everything there is about these two games which to me are pretty serious.



Federal Express, which was used from 1973 until 2000.im just too curious on why this company changed the name in the year 2000 to FedEx.whats so special about 2000?im not gonna touch this subject and im gonna move on...


now lets get to the real stuff.

there are many definitions for the word "ecstasy".

my source is wikipedia again:

Ecstasy (emotion), a trance or trance-like state in which an individual transcends normal consciousness

Religious ecstasy, a state of consciousness characterized by expanded spiritual awareness, visions or absolute euphoria
Ecstasy (philosophy), a term used to mean "outside-of-itself".
MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), an entactogenic drug, also known as "Ecstasy", and as "E", "X", "Thizz", "Rolls" and "XTC"
Carnival Ecstasy, a cruise ship
Ecstasy (drug) is something i can mention here.

so who is behind making such drugs?

and why is does it have X in the begining of the name...


lets look a bit more deeply.

Red X from the episode "X".see what i mean?its even showing it to your children without you knowing one single thing wrong about it.but thats not all the head is a skull and there is an X mark on it... see the end of the blog for more details.

isnt 'X' a bad sign???
