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New comeback to P.O.P game,NEXT gen.shows off with reflection off the tiles.

welcome to the review of THE prince of persia the forgotten sands.
first of all i need to talk about the prince of persia games that came out before this for the

well as we all know the first ever prince of persia was created by Jordan Mechner.
and it was a 2d game that was really popular and successful in it own era.
i don't know if you guys have played the titles that came out before this one but we can say that it

has changed a lot compared to the first ever POP.
personally i have played all the prince of persia games except from the one called shadow and

the flame(the first 3d prince of persia game).
never mind all this, the release of the POP sands of time brought a new life to POP series and it

really started it all again.
from the sands of time till this one there are a lot of similarities and you can just see what i mean if

you compare them and look at them together,but i don't really wanna talk about these feature.that

aside we can start reviewing this wonderful game.
the backbone of prince of persia games:
you see guys,the thing with the POP is that if you play the first one it keeps forcing you to go

further to see what they are gonna give you next,for example in prince of persia the sands of time

the story is forcing you to go and see what is gonna happen at the very end and it does this by

giving other features such as new swords new abilities and also new levels and puzzles in them.
it is simply forcing you to go forward ,and you can see this in all the POP games after POP sands

of time.
the other feature it is giving you is climbing,as soon as the SANDS OF TIME started it offered

the ability to climb to the higher grounds.you can still see this feature in the" forgotten sands".
the other thing we could mention in POP games is the fights that can be simple and fun(POP

sands of time) ,can be hard and full of blood(warrior with in), also it can be clean and heroic(two

thrones),and this one the FORGOTTEN SANDS is a little mixture of all i think.

the character change:
in the old prince of persia game that was on sega and super nintendo the main character wore a

white shirt and had golden :P(blond) hair,is that really the Persians?
the funny thing was that he had to kill the dude with the turban on his head.
?!?!?!why ...,if you think you can get some real good stuff out of this theory i just gave you.
the main character in POP sands of time was a young boy maybe 18 or 19 years old or even

younger ,that wore a nice army looking costume that looked like a costume that aladin would

wear in one of his wishes.his face looked much older than his real age considering to what we
can estimate his age was back then,great costume.
the second character from warrior within had changed dramatically, he was much darker more

evil maybe.his costume was cool too i did not look like he is from a royal family,and his hair had

all grown.
in the third title the the Thrones his eyes just got smaller and it looks like he is not alone. another

big change is born at this stage.
then there is a big silence......
nothing is heard from our prince,suddenly we see another prince born with a new story and

character ,even the renderingof the game was different...
after that sudden move from UBIsoft,they had to comeback to our local prince with the story in

after the sands of time and before the warrior with in.
it seems that ubisoft knows what they are doing with the prince of persia series.

could POP 4 be a flash forward we dont know?

his left side is messed up in POP3 the two thrones below

his left eye and left hand is messed up and evolved some how below...

you can see more clearly what i mean below

the review of THE FORGOTTEN SANDS:
as a fan of P.O.P games i have to love this one it is a great comeback for our prince.
as i mentioned above this game takes place after the sands of time and before warrior within.
so we are given an opportunity to know more about prince and his life and what happened in

sands of time and all the story presented for the first time.
a great new feature i found in this one was that the characters speak FARSI the language of the

persians or rather todays Iranians.as a persian myself it is amazing to see this feature and
understand what the monsters are saying is really cool,on the other hand it is like they gave the

script to the wrong person none of the speeches that are in farsi are in great quality of Farsi it is

like they have been given to people who don't have a clue what Farsi is,so that is the bad thing

IMO,but definitely a great start in Farsi happening here.
the game has improved amazingly you can just take a good look at the visual designs and the

level designs and the texturing of the levels are amazing to me.
the relection of the tiles is new also we did not have them in the 3 POP games in the last

generation game.the precious pots that have tiles placed on them look so amazing, my first

was funny, i could not allow myself to destroy one in order to get some upgrades and life

at the very first of the game the climbing and moving forward seems to be really easy, i personally

thought to myself is this all that this game offers since it was just easy and basically the same as

the other POP games,i was wrong as i completed more levels and upgrades came in ,it was

rather different and it turned out to be really hard,and i repeat REALLY hard climbing.
fighting with the sword was fun a entertaining since you will get a lot of the enemies in front of you

it seemed so heroic to be able to kill all of them,and some of the fights will look like the matrix
movie scene,:P.
upgrades are available for this game and there are a lot to discover,but you will not change the

swords physics,it will stay the same.
they could have improved some of the storyline to reach perfection,but they just did not.
you will be introduced with the monsters as you go along.
a new monster called ratash that will look something like dahaka from POP WW.
prince's brother he will have a major role in this one.
a great feature that i found in this game is that you will never get lost.you will reach the destination

there was one glitch in the game while i was playing it ,the camera angle did not show where i

should have been going.
and after one special upgrade since i turned off the tutorial i had no idea how i should have

activated it,my fault really,keep the tutorial on,it will help you.
i thought the ending should have been better ,but it seems that UBIsoft has a lot to say about

POP and they will leave more for other POP games.
i have to talk about the same ability that rewinds time,OK i do not wanna spoil things but

seriously in the POP sands of time we rewind the time using the dagger ,here we don't have the

dagger,so something happens here that you guys have to look out for,and in POP warrior

within,if you remember you did not have dagger or nothing to rewind time so yeah.look out.

lights in this POP game are amazing they have been set perfectly the shadows are as good as

light,it is really shaded to look as real as possible,we will have a lot of corridors with traps just

like before.
running on wall is popular as ever,jumping on walls too.
i have already rated this game and IMO it is a 'must have' for POP fans. i really enjoyed playing

it,the ending could have offered more but if you look at it with the different angle it was perfect.
it did remind me of the POP games on the last gen.
well worth buying and playing.:D
thank you for your TIME hope you enjoyed.:P