M3ran / Member

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new fun thing in gaming known as multiplayer online for me!

ok you might not believe this but if you have followed the blogs i have mentione dthat i have played killzone 3 online and i successfuly played it and it was amazing.i also was in suprise because my internet connection was not as fast as most of you guys,but still it did and does work perfectly.well not perfectly ,but there is no problem 97% of the time i wasnt to play.

recently in another attept to play online with my ps3 i installed the latest software for uncharted 2 and started playing online!!

my god it is amazing,to play among real people and kill them if you like,the other day i was playing with these two french guys which kept on talking french and kept on talking and once in a while they said somthing in english so that i would understand what they are saying,it was a lot of fun,there are alot of different modes to play on multiplayer UNCHARTED 2 which is very intresting for me.and its like there is no end to playing multiplayer...

you keep on upgrading to different levels and you can buy things at the store im actually very proud to play on the PSN,and its FREE :D.

so yeah im having a lot of fun playing online,might as well buy on eof the COD games for my ps3 only to play online because i have beaten that game afew times on different modes on my xbox360,but im guessing multiplayer is gonna be a different thing right?maybe i should wait for MW3 .i dunno...uhhh.

another note i wanted to say here is that tommorow gears of war 3 is gonna be released which is very good,i have played both GW,and GW2,so the third one is gonna be good to play,i look forward to that.have you guys noticed how intresting things get when you have both PS3 and xbox360?its very weird ,you actually go beyond system wars and you just dont care about supporting consoles you just want to get the games and try em on :D he he he.and it doesnt really matter as long as the games are good enough.

im just a bit shocked at how many great titles i missed on wii,and should i get one or not?is it worth it?

well these are only afew lines i wrote from the disturbed mind of me about games and gaming.By the way why is multiplayer so much fun?...any one gonna answer that for me?

thank you all for reading the blogs and following.see you all very soon,and if you also play uncharted 2:gimme your psn id :Pthnks and sorry i havent spell checked this blog :Ptake care game freaks :D:Deasy now lets not go there