here is the prince of persia The forgotten sands soundtrack which i really like
as you might know im really into the prince of persia games and soundtracks and even movies,well not really the movies but the games are much better i think,i havent seen the movie which i will be soon,but i think the soundtrack of the prince of persia forgotten sands "main theme" is just amazing.
that was the first thing i wanted to talk about.
currently iam busy playing sims3 and the new medal of honor on xbox360 ,i beat the call of duty black ops which wasnt what i expected,well iam comparing the blackops with modern warfare 2,and i think modern warfare 2 was much much better.i had this debate with a friend and he said no black ops is as good as modern warfare 2,but i think it is just clear to all taht it isnt as good as modernwarfare 2.after beating blacops on hard difficulty i started playing it on veteran and i did make great progress but sudenly it felt so crap to play it.i dont know how to explain it but ,it just wasnt there you know the whole concept of war thing,you know that just my opinion i dont know about you guys.
anyway so i stoped playing blackops on veteran and to this day i think it is a waste of time to play that game again.modern warfare 2 was something else,Did you know:hanz zimmer was the composer of the Modernwarfare 2's soundtrack!
oh you dont know who hanz zimmer is?
Hans Florian Zimmer (born September 12, 1957) is a German composer and music producer. For nearly three decades he has composed music for over 100 films such as The Dark Knight,Lion king,Da vinci code,The last samurai,gladiator and so on,we all those movie had THE soundtrack if you go back to them.
i hope you are not bored by the time you read a little about hanz:P keep reading it get intresting...
i saw somthing amazing afew months ago and now i think it is good to mention it here.there is this digital pen,well it is called digital pen for a reason.ok so you get the Pen you scan what ever colour you want with it,and then it somehow creates that colour and then allows you to write with that colour on paper!how amazing is that?it sounds fictional dont you think?
heres a few pictures to proove it.
apparently it is ubder the concept and they are working on it.and it has been said that is being done by "jinsun park"
here is how it should work out.
imagine what you could do with this,it sounds pretty fun to me/
neat huh?i know,but we dont know the price or the time of the release,all we know is that they are working on it.
well i think thats about it,dont forget to listen to the soundtrack of the prince of persia the forgotten sands on the top of the blog.
sorry if there is wrong spellings havent checked.see you all very soon
thanks for reading te blog, let me know what you think.take care you all.