ok so apparently i have heard that the new 3.60 firmware for ps3 has stoped the hackers from copying.it seems that two games (portal2 and operation flashpoint:red river)does not work as hacked or copied on the 3.60 firmware.
so this seems a bit unreal you know because the ps3 hackers got the master key and so on,but if this stops the hacking for two games why not apply the same features from the 2 games to all the ps3 games?that way no one would be able to play it the wrongway.
the problem sony is facing is that no matter what you do and what you create,human brain can create an idea that is smarter than yours.
so what do you guys think?3.60 firmware has done it?what will be the future?will there be more hacking of the console in the future.?
so if everything goes as sony plans from now on all the new games will need the 3.60 firmware in order to be played but the hackers are onestep back since they havent worked with the 3.60,by the time 3.60 is properly hacked.sony is waaay beyond that firmware and has improved security to a massive degree.
I think sony has done it guys....unbelievable