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Rocket Knight Adventure is awsome.

hello there...

how are you little fella?what are you?a mouse?i gotta say you and that hedghog look a like,

are you two?no didnt think so,

japanese rocket Knight adventures where big back in the dayz.

the game is really sweet if you play it,it is made up of different varieties of gameplay,

1-you can throw something*i dunno what it is*

2-you have a rocket to charge and either fly with it or you can let go and spin.

if you think about it that is a lot of abilities on a single game,for retro game.

konami was alive back then?Hell yeah,no wonder konami is so popular now adays,

yeah just look below

here is the old logo of Konami:

come to think of it, the first PES game on PS1 had this logo long timeago maybe more than 10 years ago

looks nice :)

here modest logo of konami:

heres somthing really cool,

did you know that konami has started building games since 1978!!!:shock:

so im thinking konami is much older than some of us me included,

40 years of creating entertainment for us makes konami one of the best games making companies.

we all know Mr.Kojima right?the "metaru gui sorido" creator8)sounds sooooo coool.

he is doing well in konami the picture says

i think that was the release of the metal gear solid 4.with him holding the game in his hand.

yeah we all love our hero solid snake,

but can we forget this guy??:|

think about it,how original can a character get?

a ninja/samurai mixture with the latest tech.then Raiden is Born...8)

MY GOD THAT character IS awesome...what can i say ???

look at his jaws they are carbon fibre,so that they are light and can be moved easily.

i will be buying this one when it comes out...