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sep11th mega ritual.

guys bear with me ,till the end of the blog please...

The Sphere:

The Sphere is a large metallic sculpture by German sculptor Fritz Koenig, currently displayed in Battery Park, New York City, that once stood in the middle of Austin J. Tobin Plaza.

The artwork was meant to symbolize world peace through world trade, and was placed at the center of a ring of fountains and other decorative touches designed by trade center architect Minoru Yamasaki to mimic the Grand Mosque of Mecca, Masjid al-Haram, in which The Sphere stood at the place of the Kaaba.[2] It was set to rotate once every 24 hours

lets not for get that the ratio of the sphere is the pie number.

now lets start again.so this was mimicing the GRAND MOSQUe OF KABBA.and it was set to rotate once every 24 hours?

as you come up to 10 that is their god,HERMAPHRODITOS.but of you stop at nine,and you skip to 11 then you are a luciferian.

this is a kabalah diagram(yes you must have heard kabalah which is the jewish magic):

11 is the number of the magician its one step above god.once you complete the tree of life you are the magician you are one above 10.but they are doing it by skipping god "thats the simbolism of 911".

A sun cycle is made up of 11 years,the last solar maximum was in 1989-90 the next will be in 2000,2001,the speech that took place on 9/11/1990 was made by no other than george bush sr(g.w.bush's dad).here is the link to that speech


exactly 11 years later or one full sun cycle,this mega ritual takes place.

do you guys remember who was the grand father of g.w.bush?the grandfather who wrote the satanic "book of law" while possessed in the center of the giza pyramid?it was no one other than Aleister Crowley.so george w bush is the grandson of the aleister crowley.!!!

crowley claimed he had been contacted by a beam "Aiwas".

afterwards he cameup with a simbol that looks something like this ---> "OZ:"

which has a 77 in hebrew and a connection to the god "PAN".

crowly made this drawing of a nonhuman intelligent that he claimed to have see in the ritual.

(can you see the two pillars?)thats pan.

we have all heard the wizzard of oz story right?have you not wondered why the old guy in his palace always has this big head during the story?the picture below is taken from the older version of the movie from 1978.that movie has alot to say if you watch it.

so now things get a little bit complicated.

ok now the grand son of aliester crowly is reading "My Pet Goat" which is coinciding with the 9/11 mega ritual.it is infact dedication of 911 mega ritual to the great god "pan" by aliester crowly's grand son.

"My Pet Goat" has been banned because of its ritualistic undertones dedicated to the satanic entity "PAN"(the horned goat god).out of all the books on earth that was the one THE president was reading on that day?

the words of that book were the ones being chanted by the kids in that room,as the attacks was taking place.

the last but not least,remember satanists always use "reverse" or " upside down simbolism",so how was bush reading that book?

lets get back to the sphere...

the most important fact about it is that the architect of the WTC minosouru yamasaki intented the plaza itself to be a representation of the grand mosque of makkah,sphere in particular in the place of kaaba!so why kaaba?

are they challenging god once again? or are they signifying the future destruction of the kaaba(the sign of the end times indeed).the following information is also crucial.

if you learn the energy system,you will kotice that there are several key energy points on earth,when two lay lines cross or when energy is forming from the earth ,it flows in a spiral clockwise motion,how ever there is something very different about kaaba,the kaaba has the most amount of energy lines passing through it,making it the most powerful energy point on earth.but the kaaba energy point flows in different manner,it does so in a counter clockwise motion...

It Will Continiue Inshallah..


i also want to condemn this brutal and inhumane act by those who made it happen, those in power at the time in the USA and those which had nothing todo with islam but called themselves muslims.many lives were lost on that day,3000 americans and over 1 million abroad in the aftermath of this ritual.people in the USA should force their gov. to look through this event from an independet prespective and give the people around the world and US the real truth on 911.