M3ran / Member

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sorry if i ruin your little fantasy life,but you should know this!

hi guys this blog is very intresting to some,and not very for others.

for along time people have thought that most of the phenomenal of life has been created by man.

most say the reason for that could be things such as to control people,to take over the power,to rule mankind and some just blame it all on the creative minds of humans.

**note following maybe hard to believe,but it should be said**

in the name of the creator, the most merciful-

there are things we dont know.there are things hidden from us.

humans have been going a direction not ment for them,they are being played by afew.


cant you see there is something happening?

something big.

OK,lets start.ok there are things known as stargates which exist all around the world,certain pinpoint locations through out earth.to be very limited on this,these stargate are locations that offer a great amount of energy flow out of earth.these are mostly stable,but afew months ago in yemen,gulf of aden opened as people say!to aftermath of the effect i just said is huge and also the timezone is huge too.altogher the effect happening is much much bigger.

so could the middle east crisis such as yemen ,jordan,bahrain,egypt and so on be linked to this?

why are the earthquakes and the volcanic erruptions are rising?japan!

hurricanes are yet to come,this will be one of the biggest things happening in out time,so watch out people.

lets wake up please let us wake up.

go to google and search "the arrivals".it is a documentary that is worth watching.50 episodes each about 10 mins.


-And if I can die having brought any light, having exposed any meaningful truth that will help destroy this cancer that is malignant in the body of the world then, all of the credit is due to Allah. Only the mistakes have been mine.-malcolm x

thanks for reading