M3ran / Member

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The European Part Of The New Secular World Order...

hey guys i just thought there was something i needed to say at this verytime and it is again something you should know...

you guys know the UN right?united nations.


YES EACH STAR REPRESENTS a country in european union.

but heres the odd thing,in the last few years we have seen a huge change in the logo.

ill explain as simple as i can.

the changes started here.

it looks much better doesnt it with a curvy line at the buttom and a bold "council of the european union" text.

nothing special, simple lines trying to make a statement look more beautiful.

but it doesnt end there.it keeps on going and going see.

there we have it.

that line curved line brought the change and now one still believes me.

novus ordo seclorum=new secular world order.

haha funny how wikipedia translated this to "New Order of the Ages"????order of the ages?how ?

the fact of the matter is that they are trying their best to bring the change and every one of you people in here are a part of it.unless you wake up and see the truth.time is running out.im only here for the sake of you people writing this blog.

ihope we are the change we need otherwise god save us all.

To Be Continued Inshallah...